Difference Between Spotify and SiriusXM
Riding in the car without music is not that fun, more so when driving for long-distance. For music lovers, especially, finding a reliable way to combat silence is key. Luckily, there is a wide variety of streaming services, such as Spotify and SiriusXM. Spotify is a global service and SiriusXM is only available in the United States. However, the two have been competitors for years. Even with the competition, both have different audiences. How so? Let’s see the differences between Spotify and SiriusXM.

What is Spotify?
Founded in 2006 by Daniel EK and Martin Lorentzon, Spotify is the largest music streaming service globally. As of March 2021, the platform had 158 million paying users and over 356 million active monthly users. The platform offers digital and copyright-restricted podcasts and music. Basic features are free with limited control and advertisements. Paid subscribers get to enjoy additional features such as commercial-free listening and offline listening.
The platform is easy to navigate, with users being able to search for music based on the album, artist and even genre. Creating, sharing and even editing playlists is also a feature that users enjoy. The platform is available globally and is even expected to extend the services to over 178 countries. When it comes to devise compatibility, you can use Spotify on Linux computers, Android and iOS smartphones, Windows and even macOS.
Spotify is best for users who want to enjoy a wide variety of music as well as podcasts.

What is SiriusXM?
Founded in 2008, SiriusXM is a radio broadcasting service that operates in the United States. It was formed via the merger of XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio. As of April 2021, the platform had around 34.9 million subscribers. The platform has cheaper packages that allow users to listen either via a web browser or an app. While the cost of the package changes, users get access to different channels not to forget the chance to enjoy free trails.
Pros of SiriusXM
- Wide variety of programs- SiriusXM has over 165 channels including comedy, music and even sports.
- It works anywhere in the United States
- It has content that is only available on SiriusXM and not any other platform
- Users get to enjoy live sports broadcasts
Sirius is excellent for users who like terrestrial radio stations but are also looking for additional options such as live sports broadcasts.
Similarities between Spotify and SiriusXM
- Both platforms are used for streaming music
- Both are public traded companies
Differences between Spotify and SiriusXM
While Spotify is a music streaming service, SiriusXM is a radio broadcasting service.
Spotify was founded by Daniel EK and Martin Lorentzon in 2006. On the other hand, SiriusXM was formed via the merger of XM Satellite Radio and Sirius Satellite Radio.
Spotify is available globally. On the other hand, SiriusXM is only available in the United States.
Target market
Spotify is ideal for users who want to enjoy a wide variety of music as well as podcasts. On the other hand, SiriusXM is ideal for users who like terrestrial radio stations but are also looking for additional options such as live sports broadcasts.
Spotify offers audio streaming and podcasting services. On the other hand, SiriusXM offers Satellite and Internet radio services.
Spotify and SiriusXM: Comparison Table

Summary of Spotify vs. SiriusXM
Spotify is the largest music streaming service globally. The platform offers audio streaming and podcasting services and is ideal for users who want to enjoy a wide variety of music as well as podcasts. On the other hand, SiriusXM is a radio broadcasting service based in the United States that offers Satellite and internet radio services. It is ideal for users who like terrestrial radio stations but are also looking for additional options such as live sports broadcasts.
Does SiriusXM own Spotify?
No. SiriusXM does not own Spotify.
Does Spotify have stations like Sirius?
No. Spotify does not have stations like Sirius.
Which is better XM or Sirius?
The choice between XM or Sirius is purely a personal choice. However, XM offers more specialized music channels compared to Sirius. Sirius offers more rural coverage and XM has more urban coverage.
What is so great about SiriusXM?
SiriusXM has a wide variety of channels. More so, it is the only platform that offers additional options such as live sports broadcasts.
How much is a 1-year subscription to Sirius?
Sirius has different packages payable monthly. SXM app streaming platinum costs $10.99 monthly. Music and entertainment car + streaming service costs $16.99 while the platinum car + streaming service costs £21.99 monthly.
What’s the difference between Sirius and SiriusXM?
Sirius users can only receive Sirius packages while SiriusXM users enjoy SiriusXM packages. XM offers more specialised music channels.
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References :
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[1]Lisa Spiller. Direct, Digital & Data-Driven Marketing. SAGE, 2020. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=b-bEDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA335&dq=Difference+between+spotify+and+siriusxm&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi6u6r6noHyAhWRr3EKHdL8B-04ChDoATADegQIBxAC#v=onepage&q=Difference%20between%20spotify%20and%20siriusxm&f=false
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[3]Image credit: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/2e/SiriusXM_Display_on_Volkswagen%27s_RNS-510_Receiver.png
[4]Image credit: https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/49760009206_a3e3eb66f6_z.jpg