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Difference Between Small Block and Big Block

Small Block vs Big Block

Small blocks and big blocks were engines which were first introduced in the mid-1950s. The small-block engines are standard on various types of vehicles whereas the big-block engines are mainly used for performance vehicles and trucks.

These two Chevrolet engines come with V-8 engines. The name of the two engines suggests the difference between the two. The big-block engines are heavier, about 30 per cent more, than the small-block engines. The big-block engines come with larger dimensions than the small-block engines.

There is also a big difference in the intake/exhaust valves. When compared to the small engines, the big-block engines have larger intake/exhaust valves. When the small-block engines have a narrow, rectangular, and small valve covers, the big-block engines come with irregular-shaped, fat, squat, and big valve covers.

One can also come across differences in the bore and stroke. A small-block engine will have a short stroke which means low torque. On the other hand, a big-block engine comes with a longer stroke which means more torque. Moreover, an engine that comes with more than 366 CID is considered a big block.

The small blocks were the first to be introduced in 1955, and later in 1958 the big blocks were introduced. The first, small-block engines came with 4.3L and V-8 engines. In the subsequent years, the small blocks came with different displacements varying from 4.3L to 6.6L. The first big-block engines came with 5.7L and V-8 engines. In the consequent years, the big blocks came with different displacements varying from 5.7L to 9.4L. Big-block engines are mainly used for larger or big vehicles. These large vehicles come with a low-end torque. The small block is used in lighter vehicles especially the sports car. These engines give more speed than the big vehicles containing big blocks. When comparing the fuel usage, the vehicles fitted with small bocks use less fuel than the vehicles fitted with big-block engines.


1. The big-block engines are heavier. The big-block engines come with larger dimensions than the
small-block engines.

2. When the small-block engines have a narrow, rectangular, and small valve covers, the big-block
engines come with irregular-shaped, fat, squat, and big valve covers.

3. The small blocks were the first to be introduced in 1955, and later in 1958 the big blocks were

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