Difference Between Plasma and LCD
It is hard to tell the difference when you look at a flat and thin television, whether it is a Plasma television or LCD. But the underlying technology makes all the difference between them.
In Plasma television two panels of glass contains tiny cells which are filled with noble gas, which is turned into Plasma electrically and excite red, green and blue phosphors to emit different color light. LCD television, on the other hand, constitute of two transparent layers, one of which is made up of tiny pixels filled with liquid crystals. When energized liquid crystals block certain kind of color from showing and thus create the image. There is a back light in LCD which makes the image visible to the user.
The main difference between LCD and Plasma is the refresh rate. Compared to Plasma, LCD has a slower refresh rate, which creates visible ghosting on the LCD screen when images move faster. Seeing multiple cursors on the screen, when moving the mouse quickly on an LCD is a perfect demonstration of ghosting. But recent models of LCDs have refresh rates closer to Plasma.
LCD screens weigh less than Plasma television and use less electricity. LCD television produce less heat than its Plasma counter part.
Screen burn-in is one of the biggest drawbacks of Plasma television. Prolonged display of a static image can create a permanent ghost-like image of these objects on Plasma screen.
1. Plasma television face the issue of screen burn-in of static images. But LCD doesn’t have this problem.
2. LCD uses lower electricity compared to Plasma.
3. LCD weigh less and produces less heat.
4. Plasma television is better in displaying faster moving images than LCD.
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LCD and Plasma HDTV offer an appealing feature of superior quality resolution, advance color system, high image quality and great designs, thanks for sharing your information.
Thanks for the info!
Not to forget now that we also have LED televisions to add to the mix. They use liquid crystals as well but unlike LCD TVs they use backlight made of hundred of LEDs and not a fluorescent lamp. LED televison are slightly thinner but the price is normally relected with these.
The “LED televisions” you are referring to are no less LCD televisions than are the fluorescent back-lit televisions you contrast them against. Calling them “LED televisions” represents more marketing than sensible distinction between the two, and it certainly doesn’t advance the LCD technology filtering the light.
There are displays using LEDs to generate the picture itself, generating a single color at a specific intensity at a particular location on the screen. These don’t use an LCD ‘filter’ to block different colors of light in different amounts. They represent a substantially different technology, and in years to come, I hope to see them developed further.
Thank you for useful info.
A very interesting difference, which update my knowledge about plasma.
You omit some very important facts.
1. Yes, plasma TVs have burn-in. However it can be fixed by displaying static for a few hours.
2. LCD TVs don’t have “burn-in”, however they have something very similar — image sticking. This CANNOT be fixed.
3. Plasma TVs have much better color than LCD TVs, unless the LCD TV uses LED backlighting, in which case they both are pretty equal.
4. Newer LCD TVs have refresh rates of 120 and 240 Hz in order to reduce the ghosting during sports and other similar programs.
Great.A well-versed factual detail updating my knowledge.
About Plasma burn-in…what time frame are we talking? If I fall asleep at night watching my Seinfeld Dvds, and the menu screen stays on for 8 hrs until i wake up…will that cause burn-in, or are we talking more like a week’s worth of a static image? Is the burn-in comparable to an ol’ fashioned CRT screen- not as bad- worse???
Q1: What is “noble gas?”
Q2: What is Plasma?
Confession of confusion: In your description of LCD tv you say one of two transparent layers
[of– ? glass?] is “made up of tiny pixels filled with liquid crystals.” Is there another definition or kind of pixel besides the one I know: that tiny square of real estate on the surface of a virtual or physical file? Otherwise how can a layer of ?glass? be made of pixels? & How can pixels be filled with liquid anything? If it’s a glass layer, how can the glass itself be filled w/liquid crystals?
-Dumbly wondering
Read more: Difference Between Plasma and LCD | Difference Between | Plasma vs LCD http://www.differencebetween.net/technology/difference-between-plasma-and-lcd/#ixzz3MncJWs4H
Dan Ho- thanks for your input.Must know: Are you related to Don Ho? ;~}