Difference Between PC and Mac
The dispute between Mac and PCs have been around for quite some time and has led to the quite hilarious Mac vs PC ads from Apple. PC actually stands for personal computer or a computer, typically a desktop, that is for personal use. Although Macs are technically PCs, along with other computers that run different flavors of Linux, the term PC has become exclusively associated with computers that are running the Microsoft Windows OS. Mac has its own OS, developed by Apple, and it is quite different from Windows.
As the PC is still the most popular in the world, it is understandable why most developers want to create programs for that platform rather than for Macs; a wider audience equates to more possible customers and more profit. Because of this, you are more likely to find a specific type of software that you want on a PC than on a Mac as clearly indicated by the almost barren selection of modern games on the Mac. Unfortunately, popularity works both ways as coders of malicious software also want to target the bigger audience, explaining why viruses, trojans, worms, and the like cause major problems on PCs. The lack of the same on the Mac does not mean that it is immune, it simply means that coders do not think it is worthwhile to exploit the Mac’s weaknesses.
Another advantage for PCs is the huge choice of hardware configurations that users have. You can have a standard PC, a gaming PC, a multimedia PC, or any other configurations. You can even upgrade or simply change your configuration at a later date if you want to. With Macs, the choices are quite limited and so are the upgrades. Because Apple has control over which hardware can be used with their Macs, it is easy for them to implement a support system to deal with bad units. Users can have them repaired or replaced rather easily. With PC hardware, different manufacturers handle support differently. Resulting in varied results and an overall lower level than with Macs.
1. PC stands for personal computer while the Mac is one kind of PC
2. PCs usually run the Windows OS while Macs use their own OS
3. PCs have a wide selection of software while Macs are pretty limited
4. PCs are more vulnerable to security threats and malware than Macs
5. PCs come in a much wider variety than Macs
6. Macs have a better overall support than PCs
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This article great!
I’ve visited one apple store here at Philippines last month. One of the employer of the store explain me about they new mac products. They introduced to me a new features of Snow Leopard MacOsx10(This is the name of their new operating system. I don’t sure about the name, correct me if I’m wrong). They told me that that OS was able to boot on Windows Operating system. First, I didn’t believed on them until they show it to me. Unbelievable!
Last week, I’ve been searching for latest news about gadgets, technology etc and I accidentally saw a topic named “Hackintosh”, sounds not familiar to me. Because of my curiousity, I entered that forum and I saw the tutorials on how to run a MacOs on the machine or PC that is not an Apple Computer. Another hack? or just a bug?
This article great!
I’ve visited one apple store here at Philippines last month. One of the employee of the store introduced to me they new mac products. They introduced to me a new features of Snow Leopard MacOsx10(This is the name of their new Mac operating system. I don’t sure about the name, correct me if I’m wrong). They told me that that OS was able to boot on Windows Operating system. First, I didn’t believed on them until they show it to me. Unbelievable!
Last week, I’ve been searching for latest news about gadgets, technology etc and I accidentally saw a topic named “Hackintosh”, sounds not familiar to me. Because of my curiousity, I entered that forum and I saw the tutorials on how to run a MacOs on the machine or PC that is not an Apple Computer. Another hack? or just a bug?