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Difference Between Human and Robot

robot-pdHuman vs Robot

It is not difficult to tell that something or someone is human, and not a robot, or vice versa. The only confusion will come when robots are made or dressed to look like real humans.

A robot is a machine. It is often, or almost always, automatic, which means that it is able to perform activities on its own without the aid of external variables, like humans. It moves in the way that it was originally programmed, or designed to act. These actions are described as ‘intents’ of its own. For example, a robot that is designed to play ping pong will really move like a ping pong player, compared to a robot that is just used for plain surgical operations.

‘Robot’ is also a word that refers to the sum of all the groups of robots, comprised of the physical robots and the virtual robots (as in software). In the case of the latter, these are called bots.

However, many experts of technology and Science have agreed that for a robot to be called such, it must exhibit at least one intelligent movement. By the adjective ‘intelligent’ this means that it can perform a human-like movement, task or behavior. More so, robots are preferably those who possess a mechanical limb, can move about,and even do some changes in its immediate physical environment. Nevertheless, there’s still no concrete definition for robots that has been accepted by all.

Robots usually have other common characteristics. A robot is often electrically powered. Some robots can also absorb or get data from its external environment, interpret it, and give a certain reaction to the data or stimulus. Robots that are able to do such are the more complex ones, like Honda’s ASIMO robot. Some robots can even do far more complex cognitive operations, like sensing its environment and being able to navigate itself using a certain guide, as shown in driverless cars.

On the contrary, humans are organic individuals. It is a ‘he’ or a ‘she’, and not an ‘it’. When the human body dies, it will no longer come back to life, as opposed to robots that can easily be repaired. Although robots are said to show complex processes or operations, humans are far more advanced, in the sense that they have a highly developed brain that no robot has ever matched up to. The human brain makes us powerful, creative and inventive beings, in almost all aspects.

Human beings are also highly social individuals. They survive alongside other people in groups called communities or families. They are capable of forming relationships, and generating complex feelings, or emotions such as love.

1. Humans are organic beings, while robots are not.

2. Humans are far more complex and superior to robots in almost all aspects.

3. Humans are highly social beings compared to robots.

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  1. very good service

  2. This is so good I like it

  3. Its full of information
    And its very good when people
    Need information on robots

  4. Still viewing 2k19

  5. I personally think we are exactly the same to AI/robots, just a lot more complex (mentally speaking). What makes us different from an AI? Some people could say we “feel” yet that’s only because we are at our own level of understanding, we can’t look down at ourselves and understand like we can to technology.

    We are an algorithm, predictable. We can predict exactly what an AI would say since they have a defined algorithm, one that we can comprehend. We can’t fully predict what a humans next action would be since we don’t have the same information that we have out of AI.

    AI is below us meaning we can comprehend it and predict *exactly* what will happen next, not matter how complex since it’s still an algorithm.

    If you were to randomly punch someone on the street, their reaction might be somewhat predictable. I don’t expect them to just keep walking like it never happened. I expect anger/confusion. That alone is enough to show that we are predictable like an algorithm. We get an input and we give off an output. Although we can’t predict this output *precisely* as we have never reversed engineered our brain entirely I believe that’s entirely possible considering we already have a level of predictability. We are using our algorithm’s past encounters and are able to predict what would happen next.

    Before thinking about this so much I thought emotion might be what separates us from AI, after thinking about it more and using the approach “perspective” I found that emotion too (not just simulated) is something AI can possess.

    I think I’d rather end my long rant here though.

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