Difference Between BMP and JPG
BMP and JPG are two different types of file extensions used for graphic files. Both the file formats have their own pros and cons. BMP stands for Bitmap, while JPG follows the standard formulated by the Joint Photographic Experts Group. Graphic files with a BMP format are uncompressed bitmapped images, and those with JPG formats are compressed digital images. In BMP format files, each and every pixel has its own specific color, laying out a detailed map of the picture. This is not the case with the JPG format graphic files, as they are compressed. This is why BMP formatted images have a higher resolution than JPG images. Bitmap formats are well suited for images with limited number of colors, while JPG format graphic files support up to 16 million colors.
BMP images, because they are uncompressed, are larger in size when compared to JPG images. This is attributed to the fact that graphic files undergo compression when they are saved in a JPG format, and this compression leads to a loss of unimportant information from that image, which is not at all detectable in a normal view. A JPG file format has the capability to analyze which information is important for a particular image. It makes unidentifiable changes to the image, which cannot be distinguished by the human eye, and this reduces the file size to 1/10th or 1/20th of the original file size.
For using images on the web, JPG images, being smaller in size, are easy to use and can be downloaded faster when compared to the larger sized BMP images. However, when it comes to image processing, BMP format images are preferred over JPG images, as they contain all the image information in a simple format. These are usually used for icons and small sized images. It is also quite easy to edit or make changes to BMP images, because of their high quality, whereas JPG images lose their quality to a greater extent when they are edited, and the changes made are noticeable. JPG format is best for digital photographs. This format is being widely used by digital cameras, as they take less space when producing high quality images.
1. BMP stands for Bitmap, while JPG follows the standard formulated by the Joint Photographic Experts Group.
2. BMP format files are uncompressed bitmapped images, while those with a JPG format are compressed digital images.
3. BMP formatted images have a higher resolution than JPG images.
4. BMP images are larger in size when compared to JPG images.
5. JPG images, being easily downloadable, are preferred over BMP images for web use.
6. BMP images are of a higher quality than JPG images.
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