Difference Between Android and Cyborg
Android vs Cyborg
Androids and cyborgs are staple figures in science fiction movies and TV shows and are being pictured as human robots. But in order to identify whether it is an android or a cyborg, we need to point out the individual differences between these two. An Android is basically a robot that is made to look and act like a human being with some representations taking liberties in giving them emotions. On the other hand, a cyborg is a living organism that has robotic or mechanical parts meant to extend their capabilities. In most cases, the robotic parts are integrated into the organism and cannot be removed easily.
Although both are only seen in science fiction movies for large parts of our history, they are slowly becoming realities. A lot of research is going into the creation of robots with ASIMO being an excellent example. It is able to replicate a wide range of human movements and can even walk or run without losing its balance. In the strict sense of the word, cyborgs have been around for quite some time. People who have mechanical and electrical implants like pacemakers and robotic limbs can already be called cyborgs since the non-organic parts are meant to extend their capabilities.
Androids are specifically human in form but cyborgs do not necessarily need to be human. As you may have deduced from the paragraph above, animals that have non-organic attachments can also be called cyborgs. This goes far beyond prosthetic limbs for animals as extensive research has gone into utilizing cyborg insects that can be controlled for whatever reason.
Lastly, androids cannot be considered living beings as they are just robots while cyborgs are living beings. An android that dies can be repaired and reactivated just like any machine. If a cyborg dies, there is no way that the organic part can be repaired. The non-organic part may be scavenged to be reused but the organic part withers away.
1. An Android is a robot that resembles a human being while a cyborg is an organism that is part organic and part machine.
2. Androids have largely been the domain of science fiction while cyborgs, in the strict sense of the word, have long been in existence
3. Androids are specific to robots in human form while cyborgs can be animals
4. Androids are not living beings while cyborgs are
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This is misleading, in a way… In Dragon Ball Z, the androids were once human, turned into robots. Android 18 can reproduce and feel sexuality. On Star Trek the Next generation, DATA (being an android) also has the same traits–sexuality, humor, ect.. but he was artificially built… This is why where I get lost.
DATA was an AI (Artificial Intelligence), that’s why he has his own thoughts and can also have feelings. He is a machine with its own mind. In short Robot body + AI = Android
And the “androids” thing in DBZ was just bad translation they are actually called cyborgs in the original version, but the people responsible for the english translation made a mistake. Except for Android 16 and 19 who are actual androids.
It’s called Artistic License: Definitions.
Is it possible to just say cyborgs have to be born naturally and not created?
I think adding that would help clarify things.
Even being augmented or becoming fully mechanical wouldn’t change anything as it would still have been born originally.
With current technology, we are able to create and grow organic tissues in labs, so a cyborg wouldn’t necessarily have to be born naturally either.
But Cyborgs in Terminator were machines with organics applied on top.
The Replicants in Blade Runner are called androids… do they fit the definition of a typical android?
So wouldn’t that make The Terminators a android and not a cyborg? cause the Terminators was completely artificially built, while living tissue was used for the infiltration units. they were still a completely artificial creation. they weren’t born human
Well, if we’re specifically talking about Schwarzenegger’s model (the T-800 and T-850)of The Terminator, then, the endoskeletons were created/built as androids, I.E. In human form, but, once the fleshy organic layer was put on top of that, then they became cyborgs.
The other Terminator models (Robert Patrick’s T-1000 and Kristanna Loken T-X) didn’t have the organic layer, thus they were just androids.
If the Terminator model Arnie was, had flesh over it, but did not need the flesh except to fool people into believing it was a person, then I don’t think that model of Terminator is a cyborg. If the other two models are liquid metal, they are not either? But IF a liquid-metal terminator cannot go through the “time machine”, they either must be wearing [a layer of] flesh beforehand, in order to go through, or the film people did not think of that slight over-sight, LOL…