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Difference Between Analog and Digital

analog-digitalAnalog vs Digital

Technologically speaking analog and digital are two kinds of processes used for the transmission of any  electric signals.  Usually the information which transformed into electric signal is either audio or video. This is done via the translation of any information into different types of electric signals. For the analog format, the translation of data is in electric pulses  which varies in amplitude while for the digital format, the translation of data is in the binary format with two distinct amplitudes represent each bit.

Devices come with built-in ‘translation’ facilities so you have equipment like analog or digital phones, fax machines, modems, clocks, watches etc. A microphone and speaker are good examples for analog devices.

Analog technology is older and has been used for decades. It is cheap too but the problem with analog signals is that there is a limitation on the size of the data that can be transmitted at any given point of time.

Digital technology has changed how most of our equipment works. It changes all data into binary code at the point of transmission and this binary code is reassembled back into data as original at the reception point of the transmission. Since digital signals can be manipulated by software, it gives you way more options than an analog one. In telecommunication , as compared to analog signals since digital signals have an original blueprint that has to be replicated at the conclusion point of the transmission, it is more accurate and clear.

However, another difference between the digital and analog technology is that of quality. Since digital devices are translating and reassembling data, the quality is not that good.  But advancement in computing technology allows to artificially remove possible errors and disturbances in  any digital signals. Digital is still quite expensive as compared to the analog one. Global technology giants are working on reducing the price though.

The most efficient use of the digital technology has been realized in the cellular phone industry with analog becoming redundant though the sound quality is better in the latter. It can be said that all natural signals are analog. For instance when human speech is transformed directly to electric signals it is an analog signal. But converting it to digital format opens up an endless possibility of usage,  like a simple act of saving that in a computer.

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