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Difference Between AHB and APB


AHB stands for Advanced High-performance Bus and APB sands for Advanced Peripheral Bus. Both the Advanced High-performance Bus and the Advanced Peripheral Bus are part of the Advanced Microprocessor Bus Architecture (AMBA). Though both the AHB and the APB belong to AMBA, they differ in many ways.

When talking of the difference between the two, the AHB uses a full duplex parallel communication whereas the APB uses massive memory-I/O accesses.

Both the AHB and the APB are on chip Bus standards. The Advanced High-performance Bus is capable of waits, errors and bursts. The ADH, which is pipelined, mainly connects to memories.

When comparing the usage, the APB is simpler than the AHB. Unlike the AHB, there is no pipelining in APB. The APB is mainly proposed for connecting to simple peripherals. Looking at the AHB and the APB, it can be seen that the APB comes with a low power peripheral.

It can also be seen that Advanced Peripheral Bus is sometimes optimized for reduced interface complexity and minimal power consumption for supporting peripheral functions. This Bus can also be used in union with either
version of the system bus.

When looking at the features of AHB, it has a single edge clock protocol, several bus masters, split transactions, single-cycle bus master handover, burst transfers, large bus widths and non-tristate implementation.
In AHB, the transaction consists of an address phase and a data phase. In case of AHB, there is only one Bus master at a time.
When compared to Advanced High-performance Bus, the Advanced Peripheral Bus is only used for low bandwidth control accesses. Though the APB has an address phase and data phase as like that of the AHB, it comes with a list of low complexity signal.
1. AHB stands for Advanced High-performance Bus and APB sands for Advanced Peripheral Bus.
2. When the AHB uses a full duplex parallel communication, the APB uses massive memory-I/O accesses.
3. The ADH, which is pipelined, mainly connects to memories. The APB is mainly proposed for connecting to simple peripherals.
4. When comparing the usage, the APB is simpler than the AHB.
5. Unlike the AHB, there is no pipelining in APB.
6. When compared to Advanced High-performance Bus, the Advanced Peripheral Bus is only used for low bandwidth control accesses.
7. Though the APB has an address phase and data phase as like that of the AHB, it comes with a list of low complexity signal.

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  1. What the heck is ‘ADH’ at the end of the third paragraph? Just thrown in out of the blue?

  2. short & informative.

  3. thanks that was informative

  4. This is wrong. Full duplex and massive memory-I/O accesses have nothing to do with AHB and APB.

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