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Difference Between CCENT and CCNA and CCNP



Cisco awards different certifications as per the skills acquired in CCENT, CCNA, and CCNP training. These are three different certifications provided in computer specializations. Some vital components of Internet networks are switches, routers, and bridges, and Cisco is a leader in these products. The ranking of Cisco is pretty high for the certifications it provides and helps in training and specializing in certain fields.


The CCENT certificate can be acquired by either taking the CCENT certification alone or by taking it as an entry-level certification with the CCNA certification in part. The CCNA certification is divided into two parts. The entry level being CCENT, and the advanced or second level being CCNA. Completing the first part is awarded the CCENT certification, and completing both levels also awards the CCNA certification. CCENT has a curriculum which provides basic knowledge of Internet or networking skills.


The prerequisite for the CCNA certification is holding a CCENT certificate. A candidate who passes this certification becomes a specialist referred to as a Cisco Certified Network Associate. The CCNA specializes in laying out different components of WAN, the Wide Area Network. The associate has a complete knowledge of switches and routers and how to lay them, install them, and maintain the network. The curriculum for the CCNA certification is more advanced than the CCENT and includes a broader knowledge about laying an Internet network.


“CCNP” stands for “Cisco Certified Network Personnel” certificate. It is the most advanced certification of all three Cisco certifications. The prerequisite for CCNP is to have the CCNA certification. The curriculum of the CCNP certification includes network design concepts and principles, routing and advanced addressing, network security, and network management . It also specializes the candidate in network service architecture, scalable Internet networks and building a multilayer network. It prepares a candidate in problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
All these skills make the candidate with a CCNP certification more skilled and more valuable for a company.



  1. CCENT, CCNP, and CCNA are three different certifications provided by the networking giant Cisco. All three certifications are of different levels.
  2. CCENT is the most basic level of networking certification. CCENT has a curriculum which provides basic knowledge of Internet or networking skills. It is a prerequisite for gaining CCNA certification. The CCNA certificate makes a candidate a specialist referred to as a Cisco Certified Network Associate. The CCNA specializes in laying out different components of WAN. The associate has a complete knowledge of switches, routers, and how to lay them, install them, and maintain the network. CCNP is the most advanced certification as compared to CCENT and CCNA. It basically trains a candidate in problem solving and troubleshooting skills.
  3. CCNP is more prestigious than CCENT and CCNP thus the candidates with this certification tend to have better-paying jobs.

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