Difference Between Whale and Shark
Whale vs Shark
Whales are mammals and sharks are fish.
When whales give birth to young ones, sharks lay eggs. Unlike the young sharks, young whales are fed milk. The whales raise their young ones whereas sharks do not.
Whales have bones whereas the sharks have no bones but only cartilage. Whales are much larger than sharks. The blue whale is the largest of all the mammals on Earth. When a whale weighs more than 100 tons, the shark weighs about 2,000 kg.
Sharks hunt for their food. Whales do not have this hunting tendency. Plankton and krill are the food of whales. However, toothed whales feed on squid and small fish. Sharks feed on fish and all marine animals. Sharks may eat other sharks whereas whales do not eat other whales.
Whales produce sound by which they communicate with each other and search for food. Whales produce many types of noise and even sing. Sharks do not have these types of communication skills.
Whales can reach a height of 35 meters, and the shark can reach a height of six meters.
Sharks are not known to sleep, but there is a possibility that whales do sleep as they are mammals.
Whales are very friendly towards human beings and especially dolphins which are known to swim along with swimmers. Whales are also trained for entertainment in wildlife parks and Sea World parks. Sharks are not friendly and not trained for entertainment.
Sharks react involuntarily because of instincts. Whales are known to have self-determination as old and injured whales are known to commit suicide.
Whales migrate seasonally from one place to another. Sharks have no such migrating tendency. Whales are also endangered whereas sharks are not.
1.When a whale weighs more than 100 tons, the shark weighs about 2,000 kg.
2.Whales give birth to young ones; sharks lay eggs.
3.Plankton and krill are the food of whales. However, toothed whales feed on squid and small fish. Sharks feed on fish and all marine animals.
4.Whales produce sound by which they communicate with each other and search for food. Sharks do not have communication skills.
5.Whales are endangered whereas sharks are not.
6.Whales are very friendly towards human beings and especially dolphins which are known to swim along with swimmers.
7.Sharks react involuntarily because of instincts. Whales are known to have self-determination as old and injured whales are known to commit suicide.
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“Whales are also endangered whereas sharks are not” Are you insane? Sharks are seriously overexploited as a result of fishing, bycatch, finning.. Just get on http://www.iucnredlist.org and search shark, see how many are vulnerable, near threatened, endangered.
“Sharks have no such migrating tendency” Tracking of great whites has shown that they do migrate http://news.stanford.edu/news/2002/january9/sharks-19.html
“Sharks react involuntarily because of instincts” You make them sound like mindless machines. Yes they will react instinctually to stimuli, as will whales.
“Whales are very friendly towards human beings…sharks are not friendly” You are anthropomorphising here. Sharks and whales are just inquisitive in different ways.
“Whales give birth to young ones, sharks lay eggs” Some sharks lay eggs, some give birth to live young http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2101054/Video-shows-nurse-shark-giving-birth-live-young.html
Sharks act involuntary?