Difference Between Sheep and Goat
Sheep vs Goat
The first difference that can be thought of pertains to how the two animals look. A goat is more slender of the two, while a sheep is tubbier. That apart a sheep gives us wool while a goat does not. In the west sheep meat is eaten whereas in the Middle East and the Indian sub continent a goat is eaten.
Sheep belong to the Ovas Aries species and have 54 chromosomes while goats belong to Capra Hircus species and have 60 chromosomes. A goat’s tail is for most part stands up while a sheep’s hangs down. Their eating habits are distinct. A goat is a typical browser, feeding on leaves, shrubs, twigs and vines. A sheep on the other hand loves to graze on grass and clover.
Goats are curious by nature and are quite independent. A sheep on the other hand prefers to stay put in its flock. Another major difference is that sheep have an upper lip divided by a distinct philtrum. This is something that a goat does not have. Another difference is in the horns. Goat horns are narrower, more upright and less craved than sheep horns.
A ram could dominate a buck, but as adults there is a roles reversal with the goat easily dominating the sheep. The sheep happen to be much more prolific in breeding though. A comic anatomical difference that one could point out pertains to the fact that a goat has a beard while a sheep has a mane! Yet another piece of trivia is that while a goat has hair a sheep has fleece.
Another telling difference perhaps reflective of the differing nature of the two species is that fact that while wild goats are found in abundance sheep are entirely domesticated, suggesting that they have a greater symbiotic relationship with mankind. Thus we see that though goats and sheep look quite similar and bleat the same way there are some pretty stark differences between the two species that have distinct and separate traits that set them clearly apart. The debate about their differences though is largely academic as both the animals are among the most beneficial to mankind.
1.A goat is more slender of the two, while a sheep is tubbier.
2.Sheep belong to the Ovas Aries species and have 54 chromosomes while goats belong to Capra Hircus species and have 6o chromosomes.
3.A goat’s tail is for most part stands up while a sheep’s hangs down.
4.A goat is a typical browser, feeding on leaves, shrubs, twigs and vines. A sheep on the other hand loves to graze on grass and clover.
5.Goats are curious by nature and are quite independent. A sheep on the other hand prefers to stay put in its flock.
6.While a goat has hair a sheep has fleece.
7.A goat has a beard while a sheep has a mane.
8.Wild goats are found in abundance and by all accounts sheep are entirely domesticated.
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Some of these are kind of untrue. Angora wool comes from a goat, and I have seen some naturally FATASS goats. But I guess genes don’t lie. And I did not know about the upper lip thing, that might help. (S…sssome day?)
wool is typically from sheep and that from goats is called mohair.
This article says sheep are entirely domesticated. What about the Bighorn Sheep and the Dall Sheep. I don’t think those are domesticated and all, or maybe they aren’t sheep or perhaps the article is mistaken.
Wild Dall Sheep are sheep for sure and undomestictaed.
Interestingly the photo provided at the beginning of this article, presumably to picture goats (since the tails that are standing up are said to be indicative of a goat in this write up) was actually taken from the Wikipedia page for Dall Sheep showing two lambs.
Somalian sheep do not make wool. They have hair, like goats.
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spider guy
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Hello, Big Horn Sheep are not domestic and run wild over large parts of western North America. Their population was almost wiped out by 1900 from over hunting and diseases from domestic sheep, but conservation efforts (in large part by The Boy Scouts of America), have brought back the Big Horned sheep. There also the wild Dall sheep, which ranges in vast parts of Western Canada and Alaska.
There are many species of wild sheep and all domestic sheep are descended from them. The 2 wild sheep mentioned by other posters are North American natives, but there are many wild sheep native to Africa, Europe, India, Turkey etc. The Mouflon is a wild European sheep. Another thing, most wild sheep are hair sheep, shed annually and are not woolly. It took domestication and selective breeding to have woolly sheep. However, there exist many domestic breed of hair sheep that have gained in commercial popularity as they have superior leather and wool production has lost favor compared to meat production.
for everything there are exceptions, nothing is 100% true. so. its normal
If what you say is true, then there must be exceptions to your statement that “nothing is 100% true.” Therefore some things must be 100% true. In fact, all things are either true or they are not true.
their language… bleat i mean? do they speak in different meh..mehs? anyone?
It is so logical deference, but one thing remain hangup “the behaviour of goat and sheep how they differ”
There are some things sheep should have never had to put up with. Abuse and Disease from the moral perversion (unreasonable even out at SEA) of bipedals are the UNforgivables for starters and then the experiments that led up to the creations of abomination are just a couple examples as to why there will be sheep on the right side of the throne and goats on the left side. Study up, there will be a test for classification of WHERE YOU WILL STAND in the great and terrible day (great for sheep and most horrid for goats). It all rests upon where you stand now. You must stand in the hope of the arrival of the Kingdom of the Good Shepard who never slacks in his duties. He cares for the ones who will follow Him. He is faithful to seek the lost and stolen most broken sheep (broken but REASONABLE) The Good Sheppard defends the undersheppard who defends the flock like the annointed King to be in Young David. That one is more than a mere man but is deserving to be called lord. And yet too many fall short behind seeking some $$self entitled$$ monetary reward. Sheep need protection NOT EXPLOITATION. Undershepards need to FEED THE FLOCK AND STOP FLEECING WITH UNCHECKED IMPUNITY. The undershepards must take heed to avoid allowing harm to come to their flock. When the Good Shepard returns, He will strip the greedy wolves of their fattened pelts and stolen vineyards with no apologies. And His sheep shall graze happily ever after. The End. Amen
There are still wild sheep–the Big Horn Sheep of the Rocky Mountains, for instance.
Nice article, but research have it that some specie of goat wool is what they have on their skin, likewise that of sheep where hair is present on some specie.
Great article, I love it!
Great article thanks this was really helpful thank
Nice article, thanks for the info. I actually have something to write on this assignment.
Wao…wonderful post