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Difference Between Fundamental and Realized Niche

Fundamental vs Realized Niche

Fundamental and realized niche refers to the environmental conditions or positions of different species in an ecosystem. These two niches refer to the conditions needed for the persistence of different species and their ecological roles in the system.

They are two different aspects and differ in many ways. Let us look at some of the differences between a fundamental and a realized niche.

A fundamental niche can be defined as the range of environmental conditions in which each of the species survives. The realized niche can be termed as the range of environmental conditions in which a species is really found.

While a fundamental niche elaborates on the various roles of the species, the realized niche elaborates on what the species actually do. The fundamental niche refers to a range of conditions, roles, and resources under which a species survives, grows, and reproduces. This niche describes the experiences of the species and how it tolerates a particular condition.

The fundamental niche is larger than the realized niche. It can be said that as the realized niche grows, the fundamental niche also grows accordingly. The realized niche can be called as a subset of fundamental niche.

When the species comes across various interactions and pressures from others, they are forced to go for a narrower niche, and thus the realized niche is formed. It is in the realized niche that a species will be well adopted, and so this niche is where the species actually exist.


1.Fundamental and realized niche refers to the environmental conditions or positions of different species in an ecosystem.
2.A fundamental niche can be defined as the range of environmental conditions in which each of the species survives. 3.The realized niche can be termed as the range of environmental conditions in which a species is really found.
4.The fundamental niche is larger than the realized niche. The realized niche can be called a subset of the fundamental niche. It can be said that as the realized niche grows, the fundamental niche also grows accordingly.
5.While a fundamental niche elaborates on the various roles of species, the realized niche elaborates on what the species actually do.
6.It is in the realized niche that a species will be well adopted, and so this niche is where the species actually exist.
7.The fundamental niche refers to a range of conditions, roles, and resources under which a species survives, grows, and reproduces.

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1 Comment

  1. same point don’t show the real difference like point 6,4

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