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Difference Between Fairies and Pixies

Fairies vs Pixies

Pixies, seen in folklore, are smaller than fairies. They are depicted as little people with wings. The pixies are four inches tall and are known to live in gardens. The pixies always love to be away from the crows or people and create their own surroundings. Though they like the job of a gardener, they do not make gardens for any other person but themselves only.

In terms of territory, the pixies are seen to be in a constant fight with fairies. The pixies thrive on nectar and pollen and are known to live for about twenty years. Pixies are quick in their motions. Though they are said to be at a pace, they will go an extra long way in fighting for their territory. They are also known to defend those persons who love them and whom they love. Pixies love stealing ponies and horses. They are also allergic to silver.

A fairy is an immortal being that resembles a person. Fairies also have wings, and they are about six inches tall. Unlike pixies, fairies are said to have more magical powers such as bestowing wealth, kindness, and intelligence. The fairies are also known to have powers to change the curious aspects of nature. They are known to live under the water or in the hills. They thrive on fruits and cheese. Just like pixies, fairies are also allergic to silver.

Fairies love to make bows and shoes. They also love dancing and music. Just like pixies, fairies also love to be away from human beings. Though they stay away from human beings, they are known to steal household items.


1. Pixies are four inches tall and are known to live in gardens. Fairies are taller and are about six inches tall.
2. In terms of territory, the pixies are seen to be in a constant fight with fairies.
3. Unlike pixies, fairies are said to have more magical powers, such as, bestowing wealth, kindness, and intelligence. Fairies are also known to have powers to change the curious aspects of nature.
4. Pixies live in gardens. On the other hand, fairies are known to live under the water or in the hills.
5. Pixies love stealing ponies and horses whereas fairies are known to steal household items.

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  1. why in the h e double hockey sticks is a comparrison between pixies and elves under science and nature, they are neither nor maybe time for a new cotegory perhaps… ie fictional creatures?

  2. Because pixies and fairies are real. I have met both of them.

  3. Ha, nice… im a little of both xP

  4. Not everyone knows about faeries and pixies, but they are out there

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