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Differences Between Running and Walking

 Running vs Walking

Running and walking are good exercises and are almost similar activities. Everyone knows the differences between the two.

A person who has just started to work out should first start walking rather than running. After quite some time, people are asked to increase their pace and start running. In terms of benefits, walking is thought to be inferior to running. It is said that the maximum benefit is achieved by running and not by walking.

Some people say that the same calories are burned during walking and running, but this is not true. As walking is more relaxed than running, less calories are burned during the process. It has been said that a person has to walk twice the distance as they run for burning an equal amount of calories.

When compared to walking, running explodes the muscles and adds to the performance of fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. As running is considered to be more of a pounding exercise, it is known to cause inflammation of the knees, ankles, and hips. Since walking involves less pounding, it has a low impact on the joints.

When walking is relaxed, running is not. In walking, one does not get tired fast. But a person who is running can become tired very soon.

Now let us look at the shoes used for walking and running. Unlike walking shoes, running shoes come with higher heels. The walking shoes come with low-cut or undercut heels. Moreover, running shoes come with a thicker sole than walking shoes. The running shoes also have much more cushioning. The sides of a running shoe are thicker and higher.


A person who has just started to work out should first start walking rather than running.
It is said that the maximum benefit is achieved by running and not by walking.
As walking is more relaxed than running, less calories are burned during the process. It has been said that a person has to walk twice the distance as they run for burning the same amount of calories.
When walking is relaxed, running is not. In walking, one does not get tired fast. But a person who is running can become tired soon.
As running is considered to be more of a pounding exercise, it is known to cause inflammation of the knees, ankles, and hips. Since walking involves less pounding, it has a low impact on the joints.

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