Difference Between Hypertension and High Blood Pressure
Hypertension vs High Blood Pressure
The common layman is expected to assume that both hypertension and high blood pressure are one and the same thing. And yes, they are correct because the two are really similar! Hence, in ordinary day-to-day usage, people can interchange “hypertension” for “high blood pressure” and vice versa. However, in the medical setup, the story seems to be the other way around.
In the strictest sense, there should be a clear distinction between hypertension and high blood pressure. By definition, “hypertension” is “a medical condition of the cardiovascular system that is often chronic in nature.” It is characterized by a persistent elevation of the blood pressure (BP). The prefix “hyper” means “high” so “hypertension” is the opposite of “hypotension” (low blood pressure).
Hypertension is classified as either essential (primary) or inessential (secondary) hypertension. The former is the most common form described as having no exact identifiable cause while the latter is mostly attributed to a secondary factor that is very easily identified. This condition is present in many people around the world and is regarded as the leading cause of more serious conditions like heart attacks, strokes, aneurysms, and heart failure, among other diseases. To counter such, it is worth mentioning that one has to engage in lifestyle modification procedures to improve his or her BP levels back to normal.
By contrast, high blood pressure is medically regarded as a symptom rather than a condition in itself. It is described as having an elevated blood pressure of more than 140 systolic value and 90 diastolic value. The reasons for this increase in BP can be attributed to several factors like fat or cholesterol deposition along the blood vessel linings, the presence of diseases that affect the cardiovascular system, and also the weakening or loss of blood vessel elasticity.
Fat deposits often block the normal passageway of blood. As a result, the lumen of the blood vessel narrows down thereby increasing the pressure of the passing blood. Similarly, renal and endocrine disorders often cause a sudden shift of BP due to hormonal abnormalities; even pregnancy can induce hypertension in mothers who are more at risk. Moreover, some medications are said to cause serious adverse effects relating to high BP. Lastly, the loss of blood vessel elasticity also influences BP as the blood vessels can no longer expand efficiently to accommodate the passage of blood.
1.Hypertension is a medical condition of the cardiovascular system characterized by a consistently elevated BP.
2.High blood pressure is a symptom described as having a systolic BP reading of more than 140 mmHg and a diastolic BP reading of more than 90 mmHg.
3.Hypertension is diagnosed with persistent, chronic, (long-lasting) BP elevations whereas high blood pressure can be an acute symptom arising from stress or other external factors.
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Dr. I am a male 43 years of age, For the past couple of weeks i feel dizziness and weakness and observed that there is a fluctuations in the blood pressure as well, I sincerely request you for your valuable advise in order to maintain my health properly. Awaiting for your early reply.