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Difference Between White and Pink Noise

White vs Pink Noise

Noise is determined by the frequency by which we hear it. There are various ways to determine the various noises. Spectral density is one such way by which the noise is divided into white and pink noise.

White and pink noise differs in their frequency. White noise can be just like white light, having equal energy for every cycle. White noise gives out a flat frequency in linear space. This means that the signal will have same power in any given bandwidth. For example the power of sound in frequencies between 40 Hz and 60 Hz is the same as that of the power that is seen in frequencies between
4000 Hz and 4020 Hz has.

Pink noise gives out a flat frequency in logarithmic space. Pink Noise has the same power in bands, which are proportionally wide.

Just like white light, which contains all colours, white noise contains all frequencies. White noise is often referred to the sound of the ocean waves or rainfall. White noise is that is found in the nature. White noise is used for masking sounds and noises as they combine high and low pitches.

When compared to white noise, the pink noise gives more emphasis to lower frequencies. The amplitude in pink noise drops off at a steady rate for every octave. In Pink noise, the sounds of lower frequency are much louder. Just like white noise, Pink noise is also used to mask sounds.


  1. Spectral density is a way by which the noise is divided into white and pink noise.
  2. White noise can be just like white light, having equal energy for every cycle. Pink Noise has the same power in bands, which are proportionally wide.
  3. White noise gives out a flat frequency in linear space.  Pink noise gives out a flat frequency in logarithmic space.
  4. Just like white light, which contains all colours, white noise contains all frequencies. White noise signal will have the same power in any given bandwidth.
  5. White noise is often referred to the sound of the ocean waves or rainfall.
  6. When compared to white noise, the pink noise gives more emphasis to lower frequencies. The amplitude in pink noise drops off at a steady rate for every octave. In Pink noise, the sounds of lower frequency are much louder.

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