Difference Between Vitamin D and Vitamin D3
Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D is essential for preserving general health as it affects everything from immune system performance to bone density. Despite being extremely important, there is a lot of misinformation about vitamin D, particularly when it comes to differentiating between vitamin D3 and vitamin D. This uncertainty affects our comprehension of the best ways to guarantee sufficient intake for optimum health in addition to making dietary and supplemental decisions more difficult. We will explain the distinctions between vitamin D and vitamin D3 in this post, along with the special qualities and advantages of each, so you can make an informed choice about how much vitamin D you take in.

What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that the body needs to keep the balance of minerals. Vitamin D works like a hormone, not like other vitamins, and every cell in the body has a receptor for it. It is special because the body can make it when it is exposed to sunlight, which is why it is called the “sunshine vitamin.”
Role in the Body
- Absorption of Calcium: This process controls the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood, which are important for keeping bones healthy and strong.
- Support for the immune system: Vitamin D is known to raise the ability of monocytes and macrophages to fight pathogens and lower inflammation. These are white blood cells that are an important part of your immune system.
- As long as you get enough vitamin D, your muscles will be stronger, which lowers your risk of falling and muscle weakness.
- Cardiovascular Health: It helps keep your heart healthy and can help avoid some conditions, like high blood pressure and heart disease.
- Keeping your mood in check: Vitamin D has been linked to keeping your mood in check and preventing sadness.
Sources of Vitamin D
Being out in the sun is a natural way for the body to make vitamin D. Besides that, you can get it from:
Sources of food: fatty fish (like salmon, mackerel, and sardines), egg yolks, fish liver oils, and foods that have been enriched, like orange juice, grains, milk, and milk.
Pills: People who don’t get enough vitamin D from food or the sun can take pills.
Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency
Not getting enough vitamin D can cause a number of health problems. Some signs of a deficit are:
- Pain and weakness in the bones: This can lead to diseases like rickets in kids and osteomalacia in adults.
- Weakness and pain in the muscles
- Feeling tired and weak in general.
- Mood swings, such as signs of sadness.
- More likely to get illnesses, especially diseases of the respiratory tract.

What is Vitamin D3?
Definition and How It Differs from Other Forms of Vitamin D
Vitamin D3 (ergocalciferol) is one of the two main types of vitamin D found in nature. The other is vitamin D2 (ergocalciferol). Vitamin D3 is made by the skin when it is exposed to UVB rays from the sun. It can also be found in some animal-based foods. It works better than vitamin D2 at increasing and keeping vitamin D levels in the blood. This is a big difference that affects how supplements and food are chosen.
Sources of Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 comes mostly from the following:
- Sunlight Exposure: The best natural way for the body to get vitamin D3 is to put skin in the sun. This makes the body make vitamin D3.
- Foods that come from animals: Egg yolks, fatty fish (like salmon, mackerel, and tuna), and fish liver oils are all good sources of vitamin D3. Cheese and beef liver also have small amounts of it.
- In additions: Vitamin D3 supplements are easy to find and work well to make sure you get enough, especially for people who don’t get much sun or have food limits.
Importance of Vitamin D3 for Health
- Better Absorption of Calcium: Vitamin D3 makes it much easier for the body to absorb calcium, which is good for bone health and helps avoid osteoporosis and fractures.
- Immune System Regulation: It helps the immune system by making immune cells work better, which protects the body from germs.
- Controlling your mood and mental health: There is proof that taking extra vitamin D3 can make you feel better and lessen the effects of depression.
- Getting rid of inflammation: Vitamin D3 can help lower the chance of getting chronic diseases by reducing inflammation.
- Muscle Function Improvement: Getting enough vitamin D3 is linked to stronger muscles, which lowers the risk of falling in older people.
Possible Similarities Between Vitamin D and Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is a type of vitamin D, despite common misconceptions. Thus, “vitamin D” and vitamin D3 share physiological responsibilities, which explains their similarities.
Vitamin D, especially vitamin D3, is vital for bone health.
Both aid calcium absorption: This works best with vitamin D3, which raises and maintains blood vitamin D levels.
Immunological Function: Vitamin D, especially D3, is crucial for the immunological system. Vitamin D affects the immune system by altering T and macrophage behavior.
Difference Between Vitamin D and Vitamin D3
Difference in Chemical Structure and Source:
Vitamin D2 (ergocaliferol) and vitamin D3 are two types of vitamin D. Vitamin D2 comes from plants and fortified foods, while D3 is generated by the skin from sunshine and present in animal products.
Vitamin D3 is a more natural supplement and diet since its molecular structure matches that of sunlight-produced vitamin D.
Body Absorption and Conversion:
The body metabolizes vitamin D to activate it. The liver converts vitamin D2 and D3 to 25-hydroxyvitamin D, the main circulating form. The kidneys convert this to calcitriol, which is active.
Vitamin D3 converts to 25-hydroxyvitamin D more easily than vitamin D2, resulting in higher and longer-lasting blood levels.
Vitamin D Boosting Effectiveness:
Studies have demonstrated that vitamin D3 raises and maintains blood vitamin D levels better than vitamin D2. The increased absorption and conversion efficiency of vitamin D3 may explain this variation in efficacy.
Vitamin D is derived via sunlight, nutrition, and supplements. Fortified meals and UV-exposed mushrooms have vitamin D2, while fatty salmon, liver, egg yolk, and pills provide D3.
Uniquely, the skin produces vitamin D3 in reaction to sun exposure, making sunlight a direct source. Primary sources include animal-based diets and supplements.
Advice for Supplementation:
Due to efficacy and bioavailability discrepancies, most health professionals and guidelines recommend Vitamin D3 supplementation as needed. D3 is preferred since it increases and maintains vitamin D levels better, especially for people at risk of shortage, those with minimal sun exposure, and vegans and vegetarians.
Difference Between Vitamin D and Vitamin D3

Staying healthy requires understanding the distinctions between vitamin D and vitamin D3, which is more effective. Vitamin D comes from food, medications, and sunlight. It supports strong bones, immunity, and calcium absorption. Because of its greater absorption and effectiveness, vitamin D3 is the ideal supplement for boosting blood vitamin D levels. Knowing this essential difference helps people make sensible health decisions and acquire enough vitamin D for overall health.
Which is better, vitamin D or vitamin D3?
Vitamin D3 is generally considered better for raising and maintaining vitamin D levels in the blood due to its higher bioavailability and efficiency in the body compared to vitamin D2 (often referred to when saying “vitamin D”).
Why do doctors prescribe vitamin D instead of D3?
Doctors may prescribe vitamin D (often as D2) due to historical norms, availability, or specific clinical reasons. However, many health professionals prefer vitamin D3 for supplementation because of its effectiveness.
Is eating vitamin D and D3 the same thing?
Not exactly. When you consume vitamin D, it can be in the form of D2 (from plant sources or fortified foods) or D3 (from animal sources and supplements). D3 is closer to the natural vitamin D produced by your body.
Is it OK to take vitamin D3 every day?
Yes, it’s generally safe to take vitamin D3 daily, as long as you adhere to recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare provider, especially if you have a pre-existing condition or are taking other medications.
Is there a downside to taking vitamin D3?
Taking too much vitamin D3 can lead to toxicity, with symptoms including nausea, vomiting, weakness, and serious complications like kidney damage. Sticking to recommended doses is crucial.
Who should not take vitamin D3?
Individuals with hypercalcemia (high calcium levels in the blood), severe kidney disease, or certain other health conditions should consult a doctor before taking vitamin D3.
Should I take vitamin D in the morning or at night?
There’s no strict rule, but some studies suggest taking vitamin D in the morning might be more beneficial or interfere less with melatonin production and sleep compared to taking it at night.
Is 2000 IU of vitamin D3 too much?
For most people, 2000 IU of vitamin D3 is considered safe and within the recommended daily allowance. However, needs can vary, so it’s best to follow health guidelines or doctor’s advice.
How much vitamin D3 is enough per day?
The recommended daily amount of vitamin D3 varies by age, health status, and exposure to sunlight. Generally, 600-800 IU is recommended for adults, but some may require higher doses to maintain optimal levels.
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References :
[0]Image credit: https://www.canva.com/photos/MAEp4R3NbiQ-text-vitamin-d-and-different-healthy-products-on-yellow-background/
[1]Image credit: https://www.canva.com/photos/MADmwFZxjpw-shield-vitamin-d3-german/
[2]Lips, P. (2006). Vitamin D physiology. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 92(1), 4-8.
[3]Del Valle, H. B., Yaktine, A. L., Taylor, C. L., & Ross, A. C. (Eds.). (2011). Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D.
[4]Di Rosa, M., Malaguarnera, M., Nicoletti, F., & Malaguarnera, L. (2011). Vitamin D3: a helpful immuno‐modulator. Immunology, 134(2), 123-139.
[5]Kennel, K. A., Drake, M. T., & Hurley, D. L. (2010, August). Vitamin D deficiency in adults: when to test and how to treat. In mayo clinic proceedings (Vol. 85, No. 8, pp. 752-758). Elsevier.
[6]Grant, W. B., & Holick, M. F. (2005). Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review. Altern Med Rev, 10(2), 94-111.
[7]Lips, P. (2006). Vitamin D physiology. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 92(1), 4-8.
[8]Grant, W. B., & Holick, M. F. (2005). Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review. Altern Med Rev, 10(2), 94-111.
[9]Di Rosa, M., Malaguarnera, M., Nicoletti, F., & Malaguarnera, L. (2011). Vitamin D3: a helpful immuno‐modulator. Immunology, 134(2), 123-139.
[10]Grant, W. B., & Holick, M. F. (2005). Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review. Altern Med Rev, 10(2), 94-111.
[11]Grant, W. B., & Holick, M. F. (2005). Benefits and requirements of vitamin D for optimal health: a review. Altern Med Rev, 10(2), 94-111.
[12]Del Valle, H. B., Yaktine, A. L., Taylor, C. L., & Ross, A. C. (Eds.). (2011). Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D.
[13]Kennel, K. A., Drake, M. T., & Hurley, D. L. (2010, August). Vitamin D deficiency in adults: when to test and how to treat. In mayo clinic proceedings (Vol. 85, No. 8, pp. 752-758). Elsevier.
[14]Lips, P. (2006). Vitamin D physiology. Progress in biophysics and molecular biology, 92(1), 4-8.
[15]Del Valle, H. B., Yaktine, A. L., Taylor, C. L., & Ross, A. C. (Eds.). (2011). Dietary reference intakes for calcium and vitamin D.
[16]Di Rosa, M., Malaguarnera, M., Nicoletti, F., & Malaguarnera, L. (2011). Vitamin D3: a helpful immuno‐modulator. Immunology, 134(2), 123-139.
Very interesting article…thank you for the valuable information.
I was put on vitamin d 3 because my level were very low but they said they would perk me up but I have been so exsusted since I started on them they had me on 50,000un once a week and 2000 a day made me sick so they stopped the 50,000un and they put me on 5000un a day I don’t have the strength to do anything is it possible I am getting to much
These are crazy doses if you are reporting them correctly. No body does well getting slammed with anything. Who ARE these people ordering such huge doses, and why continue seeing them. Really.
How much is too much, depends on how deficient you are with D3 levels.
A level below 15 to 20 units is considered deficient by some labs where as a number below 30 is considered so by others.
I understand you feel exhausted even doing nothing. I would advise you to go for a stroll in the morning sun at around 7am ish, for 30 minutes.
Come back, relax and follow this routine for 3 months. You will feel way better. Depending on supplements may be necessary because, that should help a little in securing back your D3 levels in your body.
Dr. Karthik.
What’s the difference between vitamins D and D3. My doc said I need 2000u of D but picked up D3 by mistake. Will D3 still benefit me?
I use D3 adult gummy vitamins 2000iu(50mcg) daily, and i am tired to exhausted most days. Could that vitamin be the problem?
Good get to the point answer,
Yes, that is quite a large dose. Please lower it tremendously & immediately! Vitamin D3, is a good vitamin if consumed in correct proportions. If you like it a black out in Alaska, perhaps you do need mega doses, but not that much. Taking 2 of the 300MCG, a day ( 1 a.m. & 1 p.m.) is good in the summer when you CAN get out & get it through the skin in t he sunlight. In the winter, when not able to absorb as much, you may want to increase that to 300mcg, 6 a day. (3 a.m. & 3 p.m.) This WILL make you feel better, however, I do encourage you to get a professional Dr’s monitoring.
How does the body naturally obtain vitamin D2? You say that is is found in plants and fungi, but then suggest fortified foods. Couldn’t one simply eat leafy green vegetables and/or mushrooms, thereby obtaining a natural and healthy source that the body can metabolise without being overloaded?
The vitamine D has been already broken down by your immune system and any intermittent components of your left side intestons. Liloputes will stimulate the ozone squares of your internal communities to source an extra amount of liquidated oxygene 2 mini-points and would transfer those out to your lungs for synthesis known as synthesis-room. Vitamin D. Some mushrooms and greens will have a sufficient amounts of extrafiolatine valancium which will help to extfoliate the sourced amounts of synthesis from your upper body towards the lolwer adrenaline voccum to stabilize your daily intake.
Hope this helps.
My concern is of overdosing on D. Due to vitamin D deficency I take them, but now started D3. 5,000 mg daily. I’m not sure if that too much for my body to handle. Also, I had bariatric surgery, so I only get the benefit from half of what I take.
You are supposed to have 10,000 UVI of Vitamin D3 daily, although there was a study in Harvard University I believe, that took patients and gave them 40,000 UVI of Vitamin D3 of which did not cause any harm to the body at all for many years. In fact, you cant get enouph of vitamin D3 specifically.
I meant to say UI.. Not UVI. Sorry
Actually, you meant IU’s.
And it’s 2000 that can harm you, since it often contains Vitamin A, as well, which CAN become toxic to your system.
International Units = IU
There is absolutely no benefit from taking these mega doses, even if D3 alone. Mega amounts of anything, are always bad.
Janelle, you will be fine with 5000 mgs of D-3 per day. Not to worry.
Is 1000 IU of vitamin D3 daily ok because my Dr. Prescribed it 2 me?
Are you prepared to sign a sworn statement to that effect? You will take legal responsibility for this assurance? You don’t know this person’s health history. You don’t know what manufacturer of the D is being used. You don’t know what “inactive” ingredients are in this particular person’s supplement.
Hi Janelle:
I hope you have researched vitamin D3 and found your answer concerning your question. I am not a medical professional but I can tell you most are vitamin D3 deficient. If you are getting half of the recommended dosage then you should take at least 10,000 International Units per day.
Most doctors and medical university professors who have studied the benefits of vitamin D3 suggest 5,000 International Units daily.
My experience with vitamin D3 have been extremely positive by taking 5,000 I.U. daily. Before taking it I would wake up and have to wait 30 or more seconds before getting out of bed because of my balance. Now I can get up immediately.
I began my vitamin D3 in January 2010. I took 20,000 I.U. daily for one week and then 5,000 I.U. daily. In March I had a complete physical. My doctor did a calcium test as I requested.
My result was 41%. The minimum is 40%. The result shows I was very deficient.
Some good links are You Tube vitamin D3 and “http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/”.
Good luck and make sure you get enough vitamin D3!
Not to worry – I am a diabetic and I take upwards of 15000 to 30 or sometimes 40ooo D3 aday gotta help that calcium get into my cells and bones.
My worry is Calcium intake? there are so many types of cacium that, for me it is scary as there have been heart-attacks associated with calcium intake. We have calcium from limestoneor rocks which i feel can be damaging to blocking our arteries and bloodvessels leading to massive heart-attacks!!
Which are the best? Calcium made from rocks? Calcium made from Sea Coral or Algae? Algae is alive. Also Algae is the newest and sounds like it might be the best. Algae cells are alive and it has trace elements etc. But I don’t know? If you know? Email oceantor2@hotmail.com
I sent you an email
floyd..calcium is CALCIUM..any will do ..some are harder to release than others…but in general theyre all the same irregardless of what the wackos claim..obviously a limestone rock takes longer than a tums
That’s interesting…and very amusing. LOL
Dr. Varandanjanjian:
Please give your answer in language that the average person can understand!
You’re being a smart a%&! I think everyone understood the explanation except for you.
I have little idea either……… very specialised biological terminology for the “layperson” (or general public)
I concur, that this is sometimes a problem with “some” doctor>civilian communications, we aren’t all experts…..
I’m not being a smart arse either, but the terminology is
Can someone please illiterate what Dr Varandanjanjian said?
Mainly, this part: (and yes i do know what 03 is, but Dr V failed to explain the importance of this….. And yes, i am honestly very interested to hear…)
“Liloputes will stimulate the ozone squares of your internal communities to source an extra amount of liquidated oxygene 2 mini-points and would transfer those out to your lungs for synthesis known as synthesis-room. Vitamin D”
Thanks in advance….
im a medical doctor and phd biochemist and i have no clue what she, this lady doc, said dear..grow up
by the way..if your doctor said take 5000 take 5000
im pretty sure he or she KNOWS what they are talking about..
there are 2 theories on medications…
1 start low, for safety and work UP
2 start hi and work down depending on reactions
unless theres an emergency starting low doses and safely is the way to go
doc johnny
“Dr.?” of what. A deranged fantasy life? It is right to question and dismiss obviously false comments.
Certainly not doctor language, it’s just slightly dangerous gobbledegook!
Agreed. And the comment should be removed.
i know it’s english…but I have no clue what that Doctor V said. can anyone translate? O_o
Slam dunkin like Shaquille O’Neal, if he wrote infrmotaive articles.
This is made up crap. You also have several spelling errors. Isn’t it a crime to impersonate a doctor?
hmmm..as i recall most docs cant spell nor type nor write nor sign their names worth a hoot..no one cares…
thats why prescriptions used to always be wrong..no one could read them…
and just FOR YOU..i spelled checked every word
doc johnny
This “Dr. Alisha Moora Varandanjanjian” is some kind of clown. It’s all jibberish.
– The only “ozone square” I’ve found searching online is a square-dancing club in Louisiana.
– Extrafiolatine is not a word. The closest search hit is “extra folates” … Folates are B vitamins.
– Lilopute is not a word. Lilliput is an imaginary country inhabited by people about 6 in. (15 cm) tall, described in Swift’s “Gulliver’s Travels” (1726).
– Etc …
hahahahaa sounds about right
WTS did you just type? jibberish
I doubt that this person is a scientist. What is written is a crock, and a potentially dangerous one at that. The website owners must moderate better than this. You can have all the disclaimers you want, but purposely leaving comments that are dangerously questionable, probably won’t escape a judge’s notice.
What are you talking Doctor lady, am finding it difficult to comprehend your medical terminology..
I am taking a high quality Vitamin D supplement daily, and recently, my doctor suggested very high dosages of D3 daily. How do I know if the D supplement I’m taking is predominantly D2 or D3? Would I do better to purchase a supplement specifically branded as D3?
The doctor’s recommendation was for D3, but I already have these supplements, so I’m unsure if I should finish them off in very high doses, or toss them and go for the D3.
Read the lable. You most likely have d3
I wouldn’t go for the overdose. Find out by searching your current prescription’s name, or ask your pharmacist or your doctor may even be able to help.
youre insane dear..with all due respects…
follow the docs instructions
theres a reason for the doseage..unless youre never going back to this doc
the doseage will be adjusted based on RESULTS of your useage…if you want to self medicate…dont go back to a doctor
dr. john, why don’t you relax? She’s obviously asking this;
“I was already taking a Vitamin D supplement, my doctor recommended that I take a Vitamin D3 supplement at “n dose”. First, how can I tell if the current supplement I am taking is Vitamin D3, if I cannot tell, should I discard the rest and purchase one which is labeled specifically? Second, the supplement is “n amount” which dose is lower than what my doctor recommended, in which case, if I were to finish taking this first, I would have to take 2 or 3 or 4 in order to reach “n dose”, because it is much higher than “n amount.”
I helpful answer would have been; “if you cannot tell from the Active ingredients list whether it is Vitamin D2 or D3, perhaps you should just purchase a different brand which you know specifically to be D3 and take as many as necessary to match the doctor’s recommendation (or as close as possible, depending on each pill/capsule’s incrementation)”.
Can we stop with the bantering? It is doing no good when most of us are here to learn what the difference is.
I have to be on Vit D3 , it bothers my stonmach what now, i hade to quit it???
If one is having problems supplementing with vitamin D, a magnesium deficiency could be the reason why.
How is that??????
I had extensive back surgery 3 mos. ago. Vit. D is good for bone growth. Thanks for differentiating between D3 and D2. If I am on other medication…does it effect Vit D3?
It Shouldn’t……..
If someone can let us know on the benefit effects of Vitamin D3 on a pregnant woman, that would be helpful.
It Shouldn’t
Wow! What a fountain of great information! Thanks to all of you for sharing your knowledge!
So if I am taking the supplement Calcium with Vitamin D3 in liquid form from Wellesse both containing 1000 UI…I take 500(1Tbsp) after breakfast and the other one after dinner. My nutritionist says I still have to take the Vitamin D pill along with that..is that true? Is that too much Vitamin D?
You should be having in the entire day…….10’000 UI of vitamin D…………
IU meaning international Units
you should DO what your doctor tells you for YOUR specific situation..all these comments mean well but are for GENERALITY and the AVERAGE , whatever that means, person..youre going to a DOCTOR..which means youre not AVERAGE..you have a REASON to be going to a doctor…LISTEN to your DOCTOR
or quit going
I am 40 years old and I have vitamine D deficiency. My GP prescriped me
Vi-De 3 from Novartis
I read the prescription and there is no mention for adults it is for children.
He asked me to take 5 drops/day
Here is what is written on the medicine:
cholecalcifrolum 0.0001125 g (= vitamine d3 4500 U. I)
Please let me know if the dose is ok for my age since it is the same as for children as mentioned in the prescription.
you could have 40’000 UI of vitamin D for many months before any symptoms would happen……
why??? IDK but it doesn’t really matter how much you take even with other meds…don’t stress it……
nick..quit trying to prescribe higher doses than ordered by their doctors…
doctors are building a specific plan of attack for a specific person..to be adjusted at next appointment
you have NO CLUE what 40k will do to THIS person..quit acting like dr alisha above
no doctor in his right mind is going to change another doctors orders from a thousand miles away BLIND
grow up\\doc johnny
Magnesium is the important too. In fact, it is common for rising vitamin D levels to exacerbate an underlying magnesium deficiency. If one is having problems supplementing with vitamin D, a magnesium deficiency could be the reason why.
How is that????????
‘Have been eating D3, 6000 IU for about 8 or 9 years.
Could be “Beta Blocker” as “Atenolol” the reason for Vit. D deficiency? If it could
be which one of Vit.D is more beneficial for the problem? Food or supplements?
The label on my prescription bottle does not say if I am taking D or D3. I take one pill (50,000 IU) once a week and have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. I had a reclast infusion with adverse side effects for a month & a half period of time. How much Vitamin D3 should I be taking?
Why do you need a scrip for an OTC vitamin?
Go to your nearest health food store and simply get a sublingual 10K IU D3.
BTW, it is best if one also uses a Ca-K-Mg supplement as well. As noted above, most people are magnesium-deficient, as evidenced by a lot of muscle cramps, especially in the legs. The body needs all three in a good balance to work its best (along with trace phospohrous).
A good B12 supplement is important as well as it helps the brain and neural connections (as does good cholesterol!) and helps counteracts excitotoxicity from MSG and heavy metals in the brain–that includes helping both ASDs and Alzheimers and Parksinsons as well.
good grief…go to the pharmacy and get what the doctor TOLD YOU TO GET
HAHA You are cracking me up!
If it’s prescription, it’s D2, not D3.
I was told by my doctor that i’m deficient in Vitamin D and she said to take 5000 iu daily. Do I need to take D2 or D3…Doctor didn’t specify!!!? My Doc was in so much hurry to hang up the phone. I didn’t even know they come in different factors (D2, D3) until I went to buy them at the pharmacy! I’m stumped…what should i do?
D3 is available without a prescription. That’s what you want.
call the doctor…duh
Love the way you wrote the article and the summary at the end. Thanks. 🙂
Why does vitaminD give me DIAHERIA so bad? I can’t funtion? Should I try vitamin D-3? Thank you for any can of input. Dianne 😉
Why do you say that the vitamin D gives you diarrhea? Do you take any other meds? Do you still have your gall bladder? There are a number of things that can cause diarrhea don’t jump to a conclusion. Go see your MD tell him what’s been going on. Good luck
OK, so here’s one… my husband and I started taking 2,000 IU’s of D3 and our calcium, which we have been taking for several years has 200 IU’s of D3. His blood work prior to ever taking 2000 IU’s of D3 was fine, never was brought up in the follow up exam. Now, his recent blood work (about two weeks ago) shows his D levels were deficient and the Dr. wants him to take 50000 of D booster and have a bone density test. Has anyone ever heard of this kind of thing happening before? Should he go have another blood work up done? Are there any known prescriptions or other vitamins that can cause the D3 to be absorbed so much, it becomes deficient instead of sufficient?
My doctor told me I need to take 5,000 vitamen d I.u a day to. And calcium but u need more vitamen d then calcium because the calcium absorbs some vitamen d
My Doctor just prescribed me 100,000 units a week of Vit D. AFter reading your article I’m a bit scared to take it. Should I call her back and ask for D3? My level was 7
Hi, guys. I don’t know who Dr, V is and wouldn’t trust anything you didn’t research for yourself, or with your own doctor. That being said, I also suffer from Vitamin D deficiency. My Doctor, correctly, prescribed 50,000 IU for me for a month. Followed by 5k maintenance. There were no unpleasant side affects, only positive ones. When receiving a prescription for Vit D it IS Vitamin D3. This deficiency, if untreated, has some very real and serious effects!! Don’t try to do it with a normal store bought supplement. Although you can, if you go to Long’s or CVS, their store brand is only 3-500 IU….so you would pretty much need to take the whole bottle. Also, the prescription is usually a much less expensive alternative. ** One last note, if you are opposed to the prescription form, Whole Foods sells a 1oz. bottle of liquid D3, only 5 drops= 5,000 IU, so you can adjust per your prescription. (There price this week was $7.99 us) Happy to share some of my experience on this topic and hope it helps. Still, doing your own research is always the best policy in the world of get ’em in and get’em out Dr’s visits. Good Luck to all!!
just to clarify that was 50,000 IU/ per day. 🙂
first get the prescription..second take 1/4 dose day one 1/2 day 2 3/4s day 3
full dose day 4..
if any complications CALLL your damm doctor ….
not an internet forum of strangers…geeesh…
doc johnny
I like you Dr Johnny…DO WHAT YOUR DOCTOR SAYS…If you don’t trust him/her…FIRE HIM/HER…SIMPLE! Although, I do not take all prescribed meds…medicine is what is killing us!!! I read, pray and observe closely!
My confusion comes into play after having tons of bloodowrk after complaints of just being so tired all of the time. I could sleep all day, every day with very little waking hours. I take, as my Rx each day prozac 60mg in the AM, Clonazepam PRN, Suboxone 8 mg PRN and Toprol XL 12.5 mg each evening. Everything comes back normal except a Vitamin D Deficiency. ?!?! So, I’m supposed to be taking plain Vitamin D, 2000 IU per day. I read that someone said long term usage of beta blockers could eventually cause a Vit D drop. My question is am I at any risk for overdose, and will this extra vitamin D supplement cause anything else to go unbalanced in my blood chemistries making things worse? Does Vitamin D Supplementation interfere with any Prescription drugs that I am taking?
Dear Dr. Alisha Moora Varandanjanjian,
I have cancer and am looking for natural therapies such as Vit. D3. How high an intake should I take to dissolve the growths, and are there other nutrients you believe should accompany the D3?
Thank you for your article and your assistance,
Beta Glucan 1,3/1,6
Fascinating information. Your theme is great and very accurate. This is the most judicious, comprehensive and agreeable article.
these are very very essential information about vitamins . This can be life saving for some one but it should use in proper way with your health care advisor.
i was told my level of vitamin d was 15. and told to take 1,000 units a day of D which D are they talking about and is 1,000 enough for such a low level?
Just an observation. With direct sunlight on bare skin you can get 20000 iu in 30 min. Why is that important? Why would she give us that much if we did not evolve to get that much? Take more
i would like to know which is better for testing — vit D OR vit D3
Ok so d3 seems to be the way to go. But if for example you are taking 5000 iu, should you also be taking a calcium or,and a magnesium supplement?
LOL! @ all the ignorance on here… 10 min of sun on your skin per day and BAM, done. you do NOT need to supplement “vitamin” D (like the article said, it isn’t even a vitamin). It’s something your body makes naturally, in your skin, when it’s exposed to UV.
i’ve been a vegan (no animal-based foods whatsoever, so zero D3) for over 11 yrs, i get full yearly check-ups including blood tests, and i’ve NEVER been found to be deficient in ANYTHING (the doc always says my health is outstanding).
the only people who have “vitamin” D problems are very dark-skinned people (like africans or many indians) who live in high latitudes, since their dark skin (higher levels of the pigment melanin) is an adaptation for living in equatorial regions with lots of sunlight year-round. the melanin blocks a lot of the UV, so if you’re of african or indian (or native american or native australian) descent and are living in an area that gets low light, like say canada in the winter, then your skin could have trouble synthesizing the steroid hormone called “vitamin” D. in that case, you’d need to supplement it (or you might get rickets!).
Again, like the article says, “vitamin” D is not a vitamin at all. it’s a steroid hormone. but the article is full of excrement when it says everyone should be supplementing D3. I’ve never supplemented it in my life, i haven’t consumed a molecule of it in over 11 yrs, and my D level is perfectly fine. your body MAKES the stuff… you do NOT need to eat it (unless you’re living in a latitude for which your ancestors did not properly prepare you, LOL).
this site has so much potential, but it looks like the articles are just written by random clownies who don’t necessarily know what they’re talking about. shame…
You are partially correct. However, you leave out all of the people who live in colder climates or have seasons that do not have year round sunlight. Also, those who have malabsorbtion problems due to chrons disease, bariatric surgeries, or intestinal ulcerations. I’m every so happy for you that you are healthy and get sunshine on a daily basis, but that’s not the case around the world.
“ancestors did not properly prepare you,” you need to Lol, to try and hide your shame. What a rotten thing to say about people, and I guess you have been made proper.
I take 2000IU D3 nightly as prescribed to help me sleep more than to up my vitamin D levels. My calcium levels are not in trouble as with the extra VD which is required to ensure calcium absorption. And at 63 I have very little bone loss. And have only had one freak break in my life which occurred 5 years ago and that was my wrist. I had only started the VD3 a year prior. I have since had falls and nothing broke. So I am happy. My calcium levels are terrific.
What an educational article, thank you for sharing your expertise.
I’m talking VitD 5000 iu’s Sublingual,and it has VitB6 250%,Folic Acid 100%,and B12 16666%,and Biotin 8%. Is Vit. D3 that much better,and will the VitD also help in fighting Cancer…??? LIKE VIT D3
I take vitamin D3, 4,000 IU, and 800 mg of Magnesium, and 99 mg of Potassium a day. Be aware that Fluoride is an atagonistic of Magnesium. Try to avoid Fluoride all together. It is basically a poison. It is minimally effective to begin with, and is a “TOPICAL” application, not to be ingested, in unknown quantities! Fluoride is a by product of Phosphate mining! It is being found that it is causing a lot of problems with our health. To give you an idea of how toxic it is, look at the directions on the back of your tooth paste tube. It reccomends a pea sized lump of paste on your tooth brush, and it says if swallowed, call poison control immediately! It is not the big glob you see on the front of the tube, or in advertisements. So if you are low in magnesium, you need to see if you are ingesting Fluoride, in one form or another. I drink Zephyr hills pure spring water. No Fluoride, as some brands do contain it. Another source for good information, is the People’s Pharmacy, with Joe, and Dr. Terry Graedon. He is a Pharmacist, and she is a Medical Anthropologist. Also be careful of the ingredients of the brand of D3 you buy. Some like the liquid forms, contain, soy, and corn, and or safflower oil. Appx. 96 % of all corn, and soy beans, and a high percentage of Safflower, is GMO, Genetically Modified Organism. You DO NOT want to take any GMO food! Regardless of what Monsanto will say, it is not safe. There are more than enough independent studies showing it nasty stuff, but being that all the upper echelon of the FDA are all former Monsanto employees, Monsanto has no problem what so ever getting anything approved by the FDA. Take it with however many grains of salt you want, but I will avoide any GMO product, including the now approved salmon, and alfalfa. Back to D3, take 5 – 6000 iu, a day, with Magnesium, and Potassium, and a Zinc supplement, and you will be fine.
All four are very important to a healthy body, and mind. Along with exercise, it is even better. : ) I hope this helps with any confusion, again, you can go on line to the People’s Pharmacy, and get tons of info.
Thanks for the input on floride. Floride is a toxic substance that “officials” have been putting in our municipal water suppies for decades. I drink only distilled water, but washing with municipal water is what is harming the public. I started on 1K-IU of D3 and B12 and felt better and then went to 5K-IU’s of D3. I will add a po/mag/zink. You input is very helpful.
Thank you and Happy New Year.
hahaha your body will not live with out chlorine and fluorine…. grow up
Hate to say this as an American, but I bet it was an American who actually thought that mumbo-jumbo from that fake doctor meant something. We have really got to do something about our educational system. It is really sad that people can’t tell the difference between nonsense and information.
Its interesting that Dr V said that vitamin D is broken down by the immune system but the incidences of immune diseases is on the rise,
Vtiamin D is a HORMONE get that thru your head.
15 mins of sun on simply your hand a day should be enough vit D
If your deficeient on vitamin D then taking more is not the answer get off all vitamin D and after awhile you may start to feel better.
I have but its more than that.
Vitamin D in any form is going to kill you. Its a bloody hormone people you have to wean off of it. and there are some pretty happy people making alot of money from everyone buying these products we call them the vitamin D guys check out http://www.marshallprotocol.com before you take another hormone pill
hahahahaa sounds like a paid ad
What is vitamin D and Vitamin D3 used for? What do they do?
Lots of really good stuff here. And mixed messages, unfortunately, but that’s par for the course these days. I’d like to add a little well-intentioned advice. Remember that vitamin K is necessary for absorption of other nutrients. And be alert that not all forms of B12 supplements are equally beneficial and can actually be harmful and counterproductive. Like forms of D, most doctors are clueless and will prescribe the wrong kind. Take only B12 formulated with Methylcobalamin. A question I personally would like addressed is content of liquid supplements. Being over 60, I’ve made it a practice to take liquid rather than capsule whenever possible for better absorption. But I am concerned now with the possible additional GMO ingredients. Can anyone suggest liquid supplements that are guaranteed non-gmo? Thanks so much!
Dont believe that marshall……..Its NOT true
Vitamin K does not help absorption, it helps clot your blood. Vitamin C is what you need to aid absorption of other vitamins & minerals.
Ok so d3 seems to be the way to go
also vit d is considered as a steroid like functons…..
Vitamin D3 *can* be produced by lichen, a plant source.
Actually, eating too much ice cream can kill you too.
How much is too much? Take until you start feeling negative results. That amount is then approaching too much, so reduce the dose. SIMPLE. LOL.
The information has bet helpful! Thanks
I have read Vitamin D3 is toxic to dogs. Dog food I buy has Vitamin D3 in it. I questioned the company and they said it is a form of Vitamin D and it is safe in the amount in the food. So is it safe for a dog or not?
When I take 400 iu plain vitamin D3 , then it’s activate in our body. After activation how many unit or microgram calcitriol produce???
Please ans. Advance thank you
Reading these comments, although intended to be helpful, makes it clear why we are all filled with so much confusion. I have used online websites to try and learn more about things I know little about. One thing remains constant within all the different website blogs. Independent research, common sense, personal experience, and professional advice need to be blended together like a new recipe. Then tasted and adjusted accordingly to obtain the best results. But, always remember to take everything you read and hear ” with a grain of salt”.
Lots of really good stuff here. And mixed messages, unfortunately, but that’s par for the course these days. I’d like to add a little well-intentioned advice. Remember that vitamin K is necessary for the absorption of other nutrients.
Vitamin D is less expensive to produce and therefore is the form most commonly found in fortified food products. Vitamin D3 mainly comes from animal sources such as fish oil, fatty fish, liver, and egg yolks. When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it produces vitamin D3.