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Difference Between Methanol and Gasoline

Methanol vs Gasoline

Methanol versus gasoline is around 20% more powerful, and creates an alternative to gasoline. Methanol is hard to get, and can easily become contaminated simply from the moisture in the air. Gasoline engines produce 53,176 BTU’s of energy at 6500 rpm, whereas methanol engines produce 67,545 BTU’s of energy at 6500 rpm.

Methanol is produced from natural gas, oil and coal, whereas gasoline is derived from petroleum. Mixtures of carbon monoxide and hydrogen are converted into methanol during a chemical process.
Methanol is used as a fuel in internal combustion engines, whereas gasoline is used for tuning engine performance or reducing harmful exhaust emissions. Gasoline is also used as a solvent for diluting paints.

Methanol is used as a substitute for gasoline, but the substitution is costly. Methanol is also considered as a reducing agent for the ozone precursor emissions, but it is relatively small and not cost effective.
Methanol vehicles give a brisker performance, and are less prone to form Ozone, but when compared to gasoline, methane is too expensive. Although methanol will provide benefits in regards to vehicle performance, methanol’s availability is limited.

Gasoline compared to methanol has certain advantages as a racing fuel, such as fuel consumption, corrosion, availability, contamination, cooling systems and water in the fuel. Gasoline is lightweight, and requires less space for fuel storage when compared methanol. Methanol cars consume more fuel when compared to using gasoline. Engines use much more fuel with methanol than with gasoline, thereby the amount of fuel that gets into the crankcase is diluted with methanol. The separation can be a serious problem, and methanol is a very poor lubricant, which in results in a corroded valve stem, guide or valve seat. Methanol can rust metals and soft materials in fuel systems easily.

Methanol creates formaldehyde, and it is less combustible than gasoline. Methanol is poisonous and should never come in contact with the skin, as well as gasoline that is also considered to be a threat to public health. Methanol is also called a future bio-fuel, whereas gasoline is not environmentally friendly.

1. Methanol is a future bio-fuel, whereas gasoline is not environmentally friendly.
2. Gasoline and methanol are both used as car fuels, and methanol is more powerful than gasoline.
3. Methanol is expensive, and used as a substitute fuel, compared to gasoline.
4. Gasoline and methanol are both poisonous, and skin contact should be avoided, especially in the case of methanol.
5. Methanol is less combustible than gasoline, but can corrode the metallic parts in the engine.

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  1. Who wrote this??
    It is incredibly inaccurate.
    I would consider it web-trash.

    Methanol has about 1/2 the energy content of gasoline. It is used in race cars since when burning, it can be extinguished with water.

  2. please fix this. this is very inaccurate.

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