Difference Between Breathing and Respiration
Both breathing and respiration are required for all living organisms. Generally, breathing and respiration are often considered the same. However, there is a great difference between these two words.
Breathing is a constant process where you breathe in and out constantly through out the day. It is a process of taking in oxygen and expelling carbon dioxide.
Respiration is a process where the body breaks down the oxygen, so that the cells in the body can use it. It is a part of metabolic process also known as catabolic process of a cellular activity where energy molecule is released while carbon dioxide and water are produced.
Breathing is a physical process and respiration is a chemical process. Breathing is a process of taking oxygen into the lungs while respiration is taking the oxygen from the lungs into the blood stream or to the cells.
Breathing is an exchange of gases between cells and the external environment whereas respiration is a process that takes place in the cells. Breathing involves two stages — ventilation and gas exchange. Ventilation is the movement of air in and out of lungs and gas exchange is the absorption of oxygen from the lungs and release of carbon dioxide. Respiration involves only one process that produces energy and eliminates carbon dioxide and H2O in the blood stream or cells.
In terms of the action, breathing is a voluntary action and respiration is an involuntary action. Respiration is an active and mechanical process that involves the conversion of chemical energy into other forms of energy and breathing has no action or conversion involved.
Breathing can be controlled whereas respiration cannot be controlled. For instance, one can able take a deep and shallow or fast and slow breaths. Since respiration takes places in the cells and tissues, it cannot be controlled like breathing.
Though breathing and respiration are two different processes, these two words are being used interchangeably by many people. When a person is given oxygen artificially, it refers to ‘artificial breathing’ not ‘artificial respiration’. Breathing is sometimes called as ‘external respiration’ and respiration is referred to as internal or cellular respiration.
Breathing: taking air in (inspiration) and out of your lungs (expiration); can be consciously controlled (voluntary action)
Respiration:Â part of a metabolic process; cellular activity;Â end products are energy molecules, carbon dioxide and water; cannot be consciously controlled (involuntary action)
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i like this article when i was reading these two topics from text book a question was irritating again and again in my mind when i search there difference this article has finally clear my concept
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This Article Is Realy |Gonna Help Me In Ma Exams! Thanks 2 U Admin 😉 ! #Respect
Nice Work ..Solved my problem 🙂
I like the way you explain this topic
Good explanation
Eloquent explanation,tnx
Well, breathing is also an involuntary process. You still breathe when you sleep, right?
But it still helped 🙂 Thanks! :3
Understood… … a little bit. Could you simplify it for me? And not in such a scientific manner? If you can’t then it’s alright
thks 😀
than u for solving my probleam
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I have a test on urinary and respiratory system tomorrow, so this helped a lot.
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Full of concept with no doubts…I really got the basic difference which i couldn’t find like this in my textbook …thnx web
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Thanks 4the help
We explained, really!!! Very helpful!
Nice one … and very informative
thank you! I think I understand the deference between them now! Great article it is!
Excellent solved my problem
This article is really resourceful. I was trying to understand the basic difference between breathing and respiration for a blog I am writing for our medical equipment website.
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