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Difference Between Animal Mitosis and Plant Mitosis

Animal Mitosis vs Plant Mitosis

All livings things are made up of individual cells that have a big part in the overall performance of a being. Animals and plants are living things that are both made up of cells, although their cells may differ structurally and functionally. Lastly, we all know that each living thing here in our environment has its own way to survive and live.

Animals and plants have different roles to play in our environment. They both undergo a similar process of reproduction and development. Where do es everything start? The answer to that is, basically at the cellular level, whether it be an animal or a plant cell. Before we go on further though, we have to understand that both plant and animal cells are eukaryotes, meaning that the important parts and structures of the cell are inside a clear protective membrane called the nucleus. And lastly, these cells undergo a process called mitosis.

Mitosis here represents the wonderful process of cell division and reproduction. Think about this for a moment. Have you ever wondered how a child could grow into a tall adult? Or how a small plant could turn into a giant tree? These are all due to the cells, and how they try to maintain the health of the living being. Mitosis undergoes a series of phases that have some differences between that of an animal cell and a plant cell.

In animal mitosis, there is no distinct or similar appearance in the outcome of the cells. Although they also undergo similar phases, they do not have a rigid appearance, but rather, they adapt to their surroundings. This is because there are many different types of animal cells depending on what part of the body they develop, thus they have a different structure or look. Furthermore, after mitosis, animal cells have smaller vacuoles, that contain water. Lastly, animal cells do not perform photosynthesis.

In plant cells, photosynthesis is an important process for energy and food production for plants. This happens in the cellular levels. Upon mitosis, most plant cells show uniformity in structure and appearance, owing to their membranes being made up of cellulose. Take note that this characteristic is not found in animals. Lastly, plants cells have large vacuoles that hold a lot of water necessary for their own survival.

These are the differences between an animal and a plant cell mitosis. You can read further about this topic since basic information is only given in this article.


1. All living things are made up of cells that undergo a series of mitotic phases which are unique in plants and animals.

2. Animal cells do not have a distinct appearance during the end of mitosis, contain smaller vacuoles, and have different types.

3. Plant cells contain cellulose that give them a uniform appearance, have large vacuoles that store water, and perform photosynthesis.

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