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Difference Between Alkality and pH

Alkalinity vs pH

Alkalinity and pH is related to solutions and are measures of different things.

pH is said to be the measure of acidity or basicity of a given solution. pH is usually calculated on the basis of the value of water. The pH of water is 7 at 25 degree Celsius and it is known as a neutral condition. The solutions which have a pH less than seven are known as acidic solutions and those having a pH value more than seven are known as base.

pH is the short form of “pondus Hydrogenium”. It can also be seen that pH also means weight of Hydrogen in a solution. If there are more Hydrogen ions in a solution, the pH is lower which means it is acidic. pH is very much important in the field of biology, medicine, agriculture, civil engineering, oceanography, environmental science and food science.

Now coming to Alkalinity, it is a measure of the hydroxides, bicarbonate and carbonate in water. Alkality or base form is when the solution has more pH value. Once the pH value is neutral, alkalinity is present in bicarbonate ion form, which is seen in common salt. Alkalinity has similar applications as like of pH value.

Soren Peder lauritz, a Danish chemist associated with Carlsberg laboratory is credited with the ideas of pH. He introduced the concept in 1909. It was along with this concept that Alkalinity also flourished. The concept derived by Soren Peder lauritz got revised in 1924 after it became clear that the electromotive forces in the cells depended mainly on activity than on the concentration of hydrogen ions.


  1. pH is a measure of acidity or basicity of a given solution.
  2. Alkalinity, it is a measure of the hydroxides, bicarbonate and carbonate in water. Alkalinity or base form is when the solution has more pH value.
  3. The solutions which have a pH less than seven are known as acidic solutions and those having a pH value more than seven are known as base.
  4. pH is the short form of “pondus Hydrogenium”. It can also be seen that if there are more Hydrogen ions in a solution, the pH is lower which means it is acidic.
  5. Once the pH value is neutral, Alkalinity is in present in bicarbonate ion form, which is seen in common salt.
  6. Soren Peder lauritz, a Danish chemist associated with Carlsberg laboratory is credited with the ideas of pH. It was along with this concept that Alkalinity also flourished

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