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Difference Between VVS1 and VVS2

diamond-pdVVS1 vs. VVS2

Diamonds are really hard-to-find stones that are always very pricey. However, before the prices of these precious stones become so high, there are many grading aspects used to mark the value of diamonds. The higher the points the diamonds receive per area, the higher their prices become. In this connection, it is best to discuss more intimately one of the most revered aspects ‘“ clarity.

Clarity is measured in conjunction to how unclear the diamond is, which means that experts try to assess the impurities of diamonds to determine how pure it really is. These impurities are more concretely known as inclusions. If these inclusions are very evident, even under high powered microscopes, then the diamond is graded lower in terms of overall clarity. If there are fewer blemishes on the stone, then obviously it will be priced higher. Hence, the terms VVS1 and VVS2, among many others.

Amazingly, there seem to be some diamonds that are tagged as flawless. These flawless diamonds (otherwise known as FL diamonds) do not show any inclusions or impurities under a magnifying lens. Even with the use of ten times magnifying power, one will not find any impurities on these stones. Thus, this is dubbed as the priciest diamond grade in terms of clarity. Although today there are some diamonds that are considered internally flawless (IF), as perfect diamonds sustain some surface blemishes in the cutting process of manufacturers.

Next to the IF grade is the VVS1 diamonds. Giving such a grade is quite difficult. First the examiner will try to consider each diamond as flawless, most especially if no visible blemishes are seen with the naked eye. Next, he or she will try to use 10x magnification to spot some of the hard-to-find impurities. If there are still no inclusions seen, the last step is to verify the grade by taking a picture of the stone using 63x magnifying power. If the inclusions become visible by then, it becomes a VVS1 diamond. If there are none, then it is an FL diamond.

The lower grade to the VVS1 diamond is the VVS2. Like the VVS1, its inclusions are not that easy to spot even under 10x magnifying power. Even when using a diamond grader, an examiner without the knowledge of gemology will have a hard time spotting the imperfections.

In summary:

1. A VVS1 diamond is a higher clarity grade compared to the VVS2 diamond.

2. According to the American Gem Society, in a range of 0 to 10 (where 0 is the flawless diamond), VVS1 is marked as 1 whereas VVS2 is marked as 2.

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  1. I bought my wife a .66 carat F VVS 2, pair of diamond stud earrings. I researched and found that “FL” diamonds mean Completely Flawless. However, what does it mean if the description just says “F”, without the “FL or IF” designation? Dose a stand alone description on “F” have any significant meaning? Is an “F” diamond description by itself a good diamond?

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