Difference Between Siberian Ginseng and Korean Ginseng
Siberian ginseng vs Korean ginseng
Ginseng is a herb that has been used for thousands of years. Ginseng that has been used in traditional Chinese medicines has now been widely used the world over. The most common ginsengs are Korean ginsengs and American ginseng. A third variety of ginseng known as Siberian ginseng is also widely used. It has been said that Siberian ginseng is not at all a ginseng but a different plant.
Coming to Korean ginseng and Siberian ginseng, one can come across a lot of differences. Korean ginseng, which is also known as panax Ginseng belongs to the genus Panax. On the other hand, Siberian ginseng, which is other wise known as eleuthero, belongs to the Eleutherococcus genus.
The Korean Ginseng is widely seen in Korea and North Eastern China, Siberian Ginseng is widely cultivated in Siberian region.
One can also come across difference in the active ingredients contained in Korean and Siberian ginsengs. The Korean ginseng contains ginsenosides, which are not found in Siberian Ginseng. The other ingredients found in Korean ginseng include polysaccharide fraction DPG-3-2, glycans, peptides, volatile oil and maltol. The Siberian ginseng contains active ingredients called eleutherosides.
While the Siberian ginseng can be harvested in a year, the Korean ginseng takes longer years, may be five to nine years for harvesting. In terms of cost, the Siberian ginseng comes cheaper than the Korean ginseng.
When talking about the characteristics of Siberian Ginseng and Korean Ginseng, the former comes milder. In terms of potency, the Korean Ginseng comes with a stronger effect.
The Koran Ginseng comes with a fleshy root. On the other hand, the Siberian Ginseng has a woody root.
1. Koran ginseng, which is also known as panax Ginseng, belongs to the genus Panax. Siberian ginseng, which is other wise known as eleuthero, belongs to the Eleutherococcus genus.
2. Korean Ginseng is widely seen in Korea and North Eastern China. Siberian Ginseng is widely cultivated in Siberian region.
3. The Korean ginseng contains ginsenosides, which are not found in Siberian Ginseng. The Siberian ginseng contains active ingredients called eleutherosides.
4. While the Siberian ginseng can be harvested in a year, the Korean ginseng takes longer years.
5. In terms of cost, the Siberian ginseng comes cheaper than the Korean ginseng.
6. Siberian ginseng comes milder than the Korean ginseng.
7. Korean ginseng has a stronger effect than Siberian ginseng
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