Difference Between Quartz and Granite Countertops
Quartz vs Granite Countertops
There has been a constant debate on which material is considered as the best countertop nowadays. For quite a long time already, granite has been the talk of the town and it has become so popular that almost all modern countertops are made of one. It has become a sort of standard for a durable and modern finish. But lately, the argument is still continuing. Closing this issue can only be done by talking about the heart of the matter ‘“ and that is analyzing the differences between these two durable materials.
By nature, quartz is a less porous material than granite. As a result, there is little or less chance for water and other food materials to go inside the actual surface. When these unwanted stuffs penetrate the surface of the countertop, they easily become trapped which suggest nothing else but cross contamination and infection. Thus, quartz countertops are more resilient against bacteria and stains.
Although both materials are considered as two of the most durable surfaces, a quartz countertop is deemed as the more durable material because it seems to be second to diamond when talking about scratch resistance and sturdiness. If diamond is rated at 10, quartz is rated 7. Granite is rated much less because its durable composition is comparable to only about 50% quartz whereas in quartz countertops the material is often created from more than 90% pure quartz.
Aesthetically, granite is the clear winner. Although quartz can be engineered so as to bring out a wide array of colors, granite is without a doubt posing with the best natural color patterns and formations. The solid colors in quartz may look too fancy and unrealistic for many observers because the color is almost always too uniform.
With regard to sealing, you need to seal your granite once in a while let’s say yearly. For quartz countertops however, there is no need to do such. In this connection, quartz countertops are also a lot easier to set-up unlike granite.
Although both granite and quartz occur naturally, they still differ in the following aspects:
1. Quartz is a less porous surface (material) as compared to granite. That’s why it is more resilient against stains and bacteria.
2. Quartz is a more durable material as compared to granite.
3. Granite has intricate color patterns which make it a more beautiful surface than most quartz countertops.
4. Quartz countertops need not be sealed whereas you ideally need to seal your granite surface at least once a year.
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