Difference Between Quartz and Feldspar
Quartz vs Feldspar
Quartz and feldspar are minerals that are found on the earth’s crust.
Let us discuss some of the differences between quartz and feldspar. When comparing the two, feldspar is more commonly found than quartz.
Quartz is a mineral that consists of silicon and oxygen. Feldspar is the name given to a group of minerals that contain aluminum and silica ion. The feldspar group also includes potassium (potassium oxide), lime (calcium oxide) and aluminum silicates of soda (sodium oxide).
Quartz is found in igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Feldspar is found in granite bodies and pegmatite bodies.
Quartz is harder then feldspar. When quartz reads 7 on the Moh’s hardness scale, feldspar reads 6.
When comparing the colours, feldspars are normally light-colored, including pink, white, tan, gray or green. The colour of feldspar varies because of the presence of impurities. Quartz comes in different colors including white, smoky yellow, rose, violet, yellow, opaque and brown. Unlike quartz, feldspar grains are seen to be dirty due to alteration. Feldspar is a mineral that is less resistant and stable than quartz.
The origin of quartz word is uncertain. However, it is said that Quartz was derived from German ‘quar’. Like quartz, Feldspar has also been derived from the German terms, Fel ‘Feld’ (meaning field) and Spath (meaning rock which does not contain ore). It was Johan Gottschalk Wallerius who officially gave the name of feldspar in 1747.
The major producers of quartz are the United States of America and Brazil. Feldspar is also abundantly found in the US, Brazil, France, Norway, Colombia, Germany, Mexico, India and Spain.
Quartz is used as a gemstone and cultured quartz is widely used in electronic applications. Feldspar is widely used in the making of dinnerware and used as tiles. It is also used in glass production as a flux.
1. Feldspar is more commonly found than quartz.
2. Quartz is a mineral that consists of silicon and oxygen. Feldspar is the name given to a group of minerals that contain aluminum and silica ion.
3. Quartz was derived from the German ‘quar’. Feldspar has been derived from ‘Feld’ (meaning field) and Spath (meaning rock which does not contain ore).
4. Feldspars are normally light-colored, including pink, white, tan, gray or green. The colour of feldspar varies because of the presence of impurities. On the other hand, quartz looks colourless or appears clear.
5. Quartz is used as a gemstone and has electronic applications. Feldspar is widely used in the making of dinnerware and tiles.
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Feldspar is found in nearly all igneous rocks. Can also be inherited into sedimentary rocks by the weathering and transportation of igneous rocks.
Quartz and feldspar are minerals that are found on the earth’s crust.The feldspar group also includes potassium (potassium oxide), lime (calcium oxide) and aluminum silicates of soda (sodium oxide).
I was looking up the meaning of ”Plumbogummite” cause I wanted to know the metaphysical properties to the stone… I came across a report which says it’s the combination of ”quartz & feldspar”, but their still studying the stone I’m guessing?…. It hasn’t been easy finding that which I’ve been seeking.
If you know anything about ”Plumbogummite” could you let me know please, I’d greatly appreciate it.