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Difference Between Metals and Non-metals

metal-pdMetals vs Non-metals

Metals and non-metals are elements that are distinct in their chemical and physical properties. Metals and non-metals can be easily differentiated. In the periodic table, the metals are placed on the left, and the non-metals on the right.

First of all, let’s look at the difference in the chemical properties between metals and non-metals. Metals have one to three electrons in their outer shell, whereas non-metals have four to eight electrons. Another difference is that metals tend to lose their valence electrons, but non-metals share or gain valence electrons.

Where metals form oxides which are basic, non-metals form oxides which are acidic. While metals are very good reducing agents, non-metals are very good oxidising agents.

Now, considering the difference between their physical properties, metals are malleable, which means it can be beaten to thin sheets. On the other hand, non-metals are very brittle. When comparing their density, metals have a high to moderate density, whereas non-metals have low to moderate density.

While metals are good conductors of electricity and heat, non-metals are poor conductors. Unlike non-metals, metals are ductile, which means they can be stretched into wires. Another difference between metals and non-metals, is that the former has a metallic luster, while the other does not.

It can also be seen that metals are opaque and non-metals are transparent. Metals are present in solid form at room temperature, and non-metals are present in solid and liquid forms at room temperature.


1. Metals have one to three electrons in their outer shell, whereas non-metals have four to eight electrons.

2. Metals are malleable, which means they can be beaten to thin sheets. On the other hand, non-metals are very brittle.

3. Metals have a high to moderate density, whereas non-metals have low to moderate density.

4. Metals are opaque and non-metals are transparent.

5. Metals are present in solid form at room temperature, and non-metals are present in solid and liquid forms at room temperature.

6. Unlike non-metals, metals are ductile, which means they can be stretched into wires.

7. Metals have a metallic luster, while non-metals do not.

8. Metals tend to lose their valence electrons, but non-metals share or gain valence electrons.

9. Metals are good conductors of electricity and heat, but non-metals are poor conductors.

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