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Difference Between LCD and LED Televisions

lcd_amLCD vs LED Televisions

The LCD television is a flat-panel television which utilizes a Liquid Crystal Display technology. It has two layers of glass which are polarized and stuck together. The liquid crystals are held in one of the layers. These liquid crystals pass, or block the light, to produce images on the screen when the electric current passes through it.

However, the crystals do not produce their own light. The light comes from the series of fluorescent lamps at the back of the screen. There are millions of shutters arranged in a grid, which open and close to release and trap some of the light that is not needed to create images. Then each shutter is paired with a colored filter which produces a sub-pixel. These are so small, that when they combine, they create a single pixel, which appears to be a single spot of color on the screen. With the help of the fluorescent lamps, the images created by the liquid crystals become visible to the viewer.

LCD television produces high image quality. They can be made very thin, which makes them less space-consuming, and the user can hang them anywhere. This makes them appealing to buyers.

LED TV’s are actually very much like LCD TV’s. They also have a flat-screen which utilizes Liquid Crystal Display technology. The only difference is their source of light, which is at the back of the screen. The LCD TV uses fluorescent lamps, and the LED TV uses LED (Light Emitting Diodes).

There are two types of LED backlighting. One is referred to as Edge lighting, and the other is called Full-Array lighting. With the Edge lighting, the series of diodes are arranged along the outside edges of the screen. When there is power, the light is distributed across the screen. Alternatively, in Full-Array lighting, there are several rows of diodes behind the entire surface of the screen. They provide more control over brightness and dimming, because the diodes can be turned on and off independently.

LED TV’s are LCD TV’s with a new backlight system. They are newly developed for LCD’s, because Light Emitting Diodes are said to give more balance in color saturation, and use less power than the fluorescent lamps. LED TV’s are the newest version, and that’s why they are currently more expensive than the standard LCD TV’s.


LED TV’s are still LCD TV’s. They are just considered to be the newer LCD TV version because of the new backlight system used. The LED TV uses Light Emitting Diodes, while the standard LCD TV uses fluorescent lamps. Although they both still use Liquid Crystal Display technology. The main difference is the part behind their screen, which is the backlight.

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  1. Great article. Highly informative

  2. This is a useful article. Very well explained.

  3. thank you for the explaination…. very informative and easy read. i’m not a tech person but i did not have a hard time understanding this arcticle. thank you.

  4. ahhh.. this is awesome…

  5. supper article. Highly informative. Good Job carry on

  6. Very informative article. So in other words, the LED’s will give you a little bit of a better picture in comparison with LCD’s, is this correct? I am looking to buy a 46 inch but I am not sure what brand is good, can someone recommend one? I heard Sony is really good, I was looking at the Sony BRAVIA 46″ 1080p 120Hz LCD HDTV**(Futureshop) for $999.99. For the LED model they want $1699.99.

    Thanks for your help,


    • I’d wait for the price for the led to drop. It’s a little bit better but not $1000 better, not even close.

    • I don’t know about Sony being that good any more…yes, there was time in the distant past when they were the best.. couldn’t say that that is the case any more. One only has to look at the number of complaints on the net about their KDF projection TV problems and the lack of redemption from Sony.
      I would go for a Samsung, if you ask me.
      LED is the current thing… and within LED, Full-Array lighting is better than Edge lighting. Anyway, best of luck.

  7. Hi,

    I’m not really aware of the difference btn LCD & LED,s. My uncle asked me to check which one is good in features. I really find this post is very useful and informative.

    Thanks a lot and really useful. Very well explained.


  8. Thank you very much I really satisfied. after reading of this article I’ve decided to go with LED

  9. why led technology is so costlier than lcd?

  10. very very useful information given here and in a very simple manner that’s i liked

  11. Information provided is excellent and crystal clear


  13. This is very useful information and i liked this very much
    thanks a lot

  14. One of the best arcticles. I am feeling like an expert after reading this. Thanks !

  15. So i used to work in the Electronics dept. at Sears….. i can tell you if i were recommending a brand to someone hands down it would be Sony, with Toshiba a close second. LED is a newer concept (hence it it more costly…also better for the environment). So if your looking for the most current and new thing out…. go with LED, if that should not matter to you i would say go with an LCD. Clear picture and at a fraction of the cost.

  16. Very simple presentation and useful data.

  17. Hi

    it is very good explanation

  18. Hi,

    This is very nice article, however one question here which one is more power effective LCD or LED?

    I assume LCD consume more power/electricity, is this correct?


    • Indeed, regular LCD-CCL(Cold Cathode Lamp/Fluorescent) televisions use more energy than LCD-LED(Light Emitting Diodes) because a higher voltage is required for CCL process of heat to light whereas LED is simply lit.

      Still, you have to be wary as not all LCD-LED televisions are created equally … bigger screens are consequently more energy consuming, obviously.

      In closing, the benefits of LCD-LED far outweigh regular LCD-CCL in regards to energy conservation and an overall better picture quality. Strive to look for the television with the best reviews and highest refresh rates possible (I believe 120 Hertz is the going rate for 32″+). Good luck and happy shopping.

  19. Hey Thanks the info provided in this is very useful and easy to understand

  20. Very useful and easy to understand.

  21. Nice article. Saved my $$$. Will grab a LCD this thanks giving instead expensive LED.

  22. Thank You
    very helpful article

    btw.. SAMSUNG screens are the best and most durable

  23. I would really appreciate if you could enlighten me with the following query ,
    In events specially corporate events which of the above two screens should be used and why?

    • You can go for anyone as it hardly matters.

      • Yes, it does. LED edge backlit monitors/televisions produce better colors and better contrast. Another main thing is lower power consumption for LED light versus fluorescent.

        The main screen is still Liquid Crystal Display lit up with LED lights, so it’s actually a LCD-LED. Think of digital (LCD) wristwatches, no light until you press the ‘backlight’. That’s the two systems that work together … the light to bring the display to life. 🙂

        So, yes, there is a difference.

  24. The description is like Light Emitting Diode. After carefully reading it, I’m not going crazy over LED with lot of extra money for NOT really much difference..I’m buying Vizio LCD which is in my budget

  25. Thanks a lot for the so simple explanation of the difference between the two latest technologies.
    Well, sachin,u r right, its the LED that consumes less power but it’s expensive than the LCD.

    Words from AZKHAN.

  26. I was about to buy a sony 46″ KDLex500 for $1350.00 until i9 heard that the ex600 has a thinner frame. Is it worth spending extra money. Should I wait till boxing day for the specials

  27. Now I am very very clear about difference between LCD & LED.Thanks for make me intelligent.

  28. Thank you for the clear and simple explanation of this. I had been wondering about this for quite sometime and wondering why the price for the LEDs where more than LCDs.

  29. very well explained

  30. As an electronic engineer who is working on LED displays I have to say That was really cool text about those displays.
    But for the people who wanna wait to buy a perfect product , I have to say be patient and waiting for OLED televisions which will come after these two types.
    OLED has no back light and each pixel has own light generated by the itself.

  31. Comments began at the beginning of the year 2010, now end at the end of the year, this article has helped me decide what tv to get a long time ago, it is descriptive and very well detailed. I also used this article for inforation on an important project and it has really helped, thanks for the article.

  32. Thank u very much for good article.

  33. Very descriptive, thanks

  34. Thanks for information given about LCD Vs LED Television…

  35. Hi, Thanks for the simplified and no hanky-panky explanation. Appreciate your efforts.
    Kudos !

  36. Very Clear and Informative. Thanks.

  37. well written article, clearly point out the main differences which is sufficient for the end consumers in making a decision

    i’m not a fanboy over LCD,PLASMA or LED.
    but from facts, articles, and knowing a little bit here and there about the tech itself makes me choose LED.

    why expensive?
    well this is marketing, since it’s new technology it’ll take the highest price. until things are common then it’ll drop to as near as it’s manufacturing cost.
    as for now the manufacturer will try to make profit as much as possible while the competition is less.
    (wait until some china brand/company like ‘GC’ jump into LED business then we’ll see)

    p/s: i don’t plan to buy in near future, thats why i could plan for LED :p

    and the last one of my list would be the power consumption.
    if i’m not mistaken, LED consumed almost 60% less power compared to LCD.
    so i’m heading green. (also monthly bill)

    almost forgot, LED said to have longer lifespan than LCD
    but this part i’m not sure. don’t ever take my word since i’m not the one testing them

  38. ya thats true LED tv are much better than LCD. but they are costlier too
    a 32 inch LED costs around 60,000 inr..

    anyways thanks for the detailed info

  39. Really informative and gives the clarity

  40. Thanks for the info, @ungka provides an interesting point re the energy savings. I can’t justify the additional cost compared to the slim benifits at the moment, maybe next year 3D will reduce in price and standard LED will be cheap like LCD.. any thoughts?

  41. Really technically sound article, very very informative,

    Got bless the writer of this article


  42. this is a good information explained in a easy and understanding way. thnk u to the concerned people

  43. Thanks, for the quality information. You help me make a decision.

  44. Great explanation. I think we may have reached the point of diminished return for our dollars. My 2 year old Samsung LCD is an awesome TV. Although I paid $1800 for it you can purchase it today for $800. I think spending an extra grand on an LED version is fools money.

  45. I just upgraded to an LED from an LCD and the main difference is the glare – there’s NO glare on my LED! It’s amazing and wonderful and I love it.

  46. How we can find types of LED backlighting out before purchasing LED TV.

  47. Very informative and educating article. I’m not gonna be confused in electronics store
    Thank you!


  49. What’s the angle difference in LCD and LED TV’s viewing?

  50. This Article helped me out a ton… FYI, I have a Sony Tinitron that my dad bought in 1996. Its now on my back patio and it still works. Its a hoss. Weighs about the same as an elephant, but darn good t.v. My flat screen is a Samsung, and no problems yet. Thank you

    • that’s funny, because I just bought a Phillips LED and I sold my 36″ Trinitron for 10 bucks. Great TV, but the thing is like a coffin.

  51. Of the LED HDTVs, it should be noted that the Full-Array type is preferable to the Edge-Lighting type. Some of the Edge-Lighting types have been known to exhibit “cloud”-like aberrations towards the edges of the screen during dark scenes. This might be due to the light not scattering properly. The Full-Array types, on the other hand, do not exhibit this characteristic. Another advantage of the Full-array type is that they are actually thinner than even the Edge-Lighted types.

  52. I like. This was wery useful

  53. very informative article and its very well explained

  54. Very informative..thanks..

  55. this is a very good article. i was thinking to buy led tv but need to know whats the difference between the two. lcd is cheaper than led.

  56. Thanks for that explanation. We are looking at buying a new 42 inch TV and must admit finding it a bit confusing with all the different models and LED, LCD etc. So now we have a better understanding we won’t be blagged by the salesmen!
    Cheers Mart

  57. Good article. precise and short.

  58. but which one last more LCD or LED…….

  59. Nice answer and understandable even to a layman. I got the right answer. Thank you.

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