Difference Between Fake and Real Louis Vuitton
Fake vs Real Louis Vuitton
Louis Vuitton is one of the best brands available in bags. It is the most sought-after brand in the market as it comes in quality leather and also in top class beauty. But the problem is that one can come across fake Louis Vuitton products. How is it that you know which Louis Vuitton is real and fake? Let us look at how a fake Louis Vuitton differs from a real Louis Vuitton.
All real Louis Vuitton bags come with a serial number which is hidden in the seam. You cannot notice any serial number in a fake Louis Vuitton.
A real Louis Vuitton is made from one continuous piece of leather. The leather goes from one side to the other. A fake Louis Vuitton will not have a continuous framework. In real Louis Vuitton products, one cannot come across any dirty buckles or buttons whereas a fake Louis Vuitton will have unnecessary buckles and buttons.
Real Louis Vuitton only uses cowhide leather whereas the fake Louis Vuitton may be available in cheap leather or other fabrics. When using a real Louis Vuitton product, the handles will turn darker with time. If this does not happen, then what you bought is a fake Louis Vuitton.
When looking at the stitches, the real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton. But if you see the lining to be uneven and not in yellow thread, then you have been cheated as it is only a fake Louis Vuitton.
The zipper pull in a real Louis Vuitton will be heavy with an “LV” symbol. Most of the fake Louis Vuitton products will not have a heavy zipper pull and will not have any symbol. The “LV” monogram comes in irregular brown lines in gold-colored letters and a flower pattern. The fake Louis Vuitton will only have a solid-color pattern.
A real Louis Vuitton will have four slots for cards, snap closure coin purse, and a billfold section. A fake Louis Vuitton may have more slots or less slots.
Another way to distinguish between a real and fake Louis Vuitton is by looking at the price. The real ones come with a high price. And if a bag shows a low price tag, then it is a fake one.
1.All real Louis Vuitton bags come with a serial number which is hidden in the seam.
2.Real Louis Vuitton products are made from one continuous piece of leather.
3.Real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton products.
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I’m seeing red bottom sneakers by Louie Vuitton. Are these authentic