Difference Between Crystal Face and Cleavage Plane
Crystal Face vs Cleavage Plane
Crystal face and cleavage plane refer to the surface of a mineral. The smooth surface of a mineral can have crystal face or a cleavage plane.
Crystal face can be described as the smooth plane that is formed on the surface of a crystal. It is where the crystal developments like twinning take place. On the other hand, cleavage plane can be described as the tendency of crystals to split along specific structural planes.
Crystal face is often described according to its relation to the crystallographic axes. Crystal face can also be defined as the outward planar surface that reflect the internal structures. A series of numbers are used to indicate different crystal faces. The halo ray path through crystals can be described precisely and easily with the crystal face numbers. The basal end faces are numbered one and two while the prism side faces are numbered three to eight. The plate crystals come with one uppermost.
Unlike the crystal face, the cleavage plane tends to be smooth and shiny. This is because the bonds between the atoms are weakened after the split. In a crystal face, the atoms are tied togeher. Cleavage planes always come parallel to a crystal face.
One can also come across many kinds of cleavages. Cubic cleavage is formed on planes, parallel to the faces. Octahedral cleavage and Cubic cleavage form on the crystal planes and form octahedral shapes in a crystal with cubic symmetry. While the Dodecahedral cleavage forms dodecahedra in a crystal with cubic symmetry, the Rhombohedral cleavage forms rhombohedron shapes. Finally, Prismatic cleavage is fomed parallel to a vertical prism.
Cleavage plane is used mainly for the identification of the minerals. It is also used in the electronic industry and also helps in cutting gems.
1. Crystal face can be described as the smooth plane that is formed on the surface of a crystal. Cleavage plane can be described as the tendency of crystals to split along speicfic structural planes.
2. Cleavage planes always come parallel to crystal faces.
3. Unlike the crystal face, the cleavage plane tends to be smooth and shiny
4. In cleavage plane, the bonds between the atoms are weakened after the split. In a crystal face, the atoms are tied together.
5. The halo ray path through crystals can be described precisely and easily with the crystal face numbers.
6. Cleavage plane is used mainly for the identification of the minerals. It is used in the electronic industry and also helps in cutting gems.
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