Differences Between Plantain and Banana
Plantains vs Bananas
Many people tend to get confused between plantains and bananas. For some, plantains seem like another name for bananas. After all, they look very much the same. Plantains that are usually sold in the supermarket look like nothing more than huge, unripe bananas. But, in reality, there are many differences between the two. Here are the differences between plantains and bananas.
Just exactly what is a plantain? A plantain is usually treated as a vegetable, and not a fruit like it’s cousin the banana. Plantains are used in many Indian and Caribbean dishes as part of the main dish itself. In some cases, plantains are baked or fried and served as a side dish. Plantains are often considered to be the potatoes of the Caribbean. This is because of the rich starch content and low sugar that plantains possess, making it a rich source of carbohydrates. When they are unripe, they are usually bland in flavor. They do become slightly sweeter as they ripen and they remain rather firm, even when they are cooked. This is partly due to the low moisture content that plantains have as compared to bananas. This is the reason why plantains are first cooked before they are eaten. They cannot be eaten while they are raw, even if they are already ripe, because their high starch content and firm texture can make them rather unpalatable.
On the other hand, bananas are often consumed raw, and only when they are ripe. They are usually much smaller than plantains, and have a much thinner skin. Bananas are usually eaten as a desert, and are commonly used in salads, pies and cakes. At times, they are also used to create beverages, particularly in tropical countries. They are also made into banana chips, which is a great and healthy snack.
Bananas serve as a great source of potassium, and are usually part of the diets of people who are trying to build up muscle mass, since the potassium found in bananas helps to repair muscle tissues and minimize them from feeling sore after a workout. On top of this, bananas also contain anti-oxidants, which greatly help flush out harmful toxins and free radicals from the body.
While there are a lot of differences between plantains and bananas, both are highly nutritious, and should be included as a part of your diet. Plantains and bananas are high in dietary fiber, and rich in Vitamin A and C.
1. Although plantains and bananas look alike, plantains are a lot longer than bananas, and have a much thicker skin.
2. Plantains need to be cooked before they are eaten, because they are rich in starch. They are often used as part of the main dish or as a side dish. On the other hand, bananas are more versatile since they could be eaten raw, preserved, made into chips, or as part of a rich desert.
3. Both plantains and bananas are highly nutritious, and are rich in dietary fiber, Vitamin A and Vitamin C.
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I don’t buy the “plaintains are a vegetable and bananas are a fruit” thing. Wouldn’t that mean that they both come from entirely different parts of the plant?
I only eat plantains now, they taste similar to me, maybe because they grow locally here in Costa Rica apposed to places where they are preserved or grown indoors.
Plantains have better nutrients, last longer naturally which is big for a bachelor.
Also you get more for your buck.
I have to say though I would add either one to your diet ASAP just make sure they are grown out doors and naturally.
Plantain is better taken when fried:right?
If you fail to plantain, you plantain to fail.
I eat plantains raw every day by the way.
I looooooooooove plantains!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They make the BEST chips ever!!!!!!!!!
Can you give me the recipe for your plantain chips please
I completely disagree that plantains cannot be eaten raw. When plantains are very ripe (the skin is almost completely black), then they are quite delicious and cause no digestive side effects. I love eating them this way instead of cooking them.
Plantain fruits S are “ETHAKKAI” and BANANAS are VAZHAPPAYAMS
Kerala is the most famous place in India for plantains and chips are always made from it only. Banana is never used to make chips – imagine slicing thin pieces from the slushy banana to fry! Yes as someone pointed out, plantains are sweet and very much edible in raw form when ripe – same applies to banana also : can’t eat it when raw. In fact, banana never was available in our state previously and the word banana always referred to plantains – so the phrase banana-chips though they’re made from plantains only.
In the Philippines we make banana chips. We don’t use the usual slushy banana often seen in supermarkets but the gardaba banana. Its much better for frying, boiling, and be in some desserts or viands. It gets sweeter when it ripens as well. For baking though, the cavendish banana is more likely used.
I just eat either a Banana or a Plantain I don’t know which but it taste pretty darn good . The box says Banana/Cavendish the skin is certainly thick and dark in color. I guess I eat it raw so is anything special suppose to happen to the body when you eat it raw?
Are the banana like plantain high in cholesterol ??
Only animals produce cholesterol
Generally when I come across an article as uninformative as this it’s easy to just laugh and move on. The reason I’m actually motivated to respond is the outrageous claim that a plantain is only palatable when cooked. We often live our lives accepting mistruths like this and even go so far as to publish the nonsense before simply challenging it. To the writer and anyone else so complacent- do yourself a favor and get in to a local organic grocer, ask for some plantains, pick out the best, dark skinned with still some stripes of yellow and right then and there pop it open and peal the thing. My prediction: the first moment you bite into this, its slight firmness will be a welcome surprise. As you begin to acknowledge that this is no banana, an extremely pleased smile will fill your face as it’s delicious (and in my opinion) far superior flavor is discovered. Enjoy. Love. Ps- Not to demean the banana but I haven’t eaten one in well over 2 years! Man, I love those plantains!
Actually, the most Inviting Statement from any where online that I’ve read! I’ll TRY it! (Ive never tried a Plantain Banana before, BUT, Because of Your Description and Definition (Mr. Bradley Alerich), You’ve Greatly Inspired me to do so! Thank you so much for your Excellent Rendition and Explanatory Skills!
I really enjodyed the lesson leaned from this plantain and the banana, thanks.
I can supply u plantain sucker and real plantain I deal with it ,I m a farmer ,I can also help u to plant it in a larger quantity ,contact me on 08030837263
Adebowale Ademola {oct 2017} What a great fruit “plaintain” is. I so much love to eat it with rice or with beans.Kudos to my father Emiola Akano having it abundantly on his farm
I’m kind of new to the use of Plantain and my first attempts turned out badly, but after experimenting and using various recipes, I have determined the following:
1. I buy when they are yellow and you can use you thumb to check them for softness. and they bend easily.
2. I don’t need to use a recipe and add brown sugar to caramelize them.
3. I enjoy them fried in butter and salt/pepper, cooking them until they are brown on one side then turning them over and brown the other side.
I find that by cooking them when they are this ripe, I don’t need to add the brown sugar and they are sweet enough for me.
Note: My wife who has tried them when I used the sugar and didn’t like them, now she eats some of them.
How do I use plantain stem to make a membrane to separate pharmaceutical waste water.