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Difference Between Tikka and Tikka Masala

Tikka vs Tikka Masala

Is there any difference between tikka and tikka masala? Both tikka and tikka masala are made from chicken chunks. So what makes the difference? The only major difference that can be seen is that tikka masala contains more masala or spices in it.

Tikka and tikka masala are of Indian origin. However, there are many disputes regarding the origin of tikka masala. Some say that tikka masala was originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s. Chicken tikka masala is one of the favorite dishes in the U.K. Others say that tikka masala has its origins in Punja, a state in India.
However, there is no controversy related to tikka. It has been part of Indian cuisine for more than 50 years. It was from India that tikka spread to other parts of the world.

In tikka preparation, boneless chicken pieces are baked along with skewers in an oven made of clay called a tandoor. Before baking it, it is marinated with yogurt and certain spices. The preparation of tikka masala is almost the same but with the addition of masala or mixed spices.

As tikka masala comes spicier, it is a bit hotter than normal tikka. Tikka and tikka masala come with a red-colored sauce. The sauce is creamy, spiced, and also contains tomatoes. The sauce may also contain some other ingredients like coconut cream, paprika powder, and turmeric.

When looking at the differences between tikka and tikka masala, it is really hard to make out a difference as they come with an almost similar taste. As said, the only point is that tikka masala contains added masala or a collection of spices.


1.Both tikka and tikka masala are made from chicken chunks.
2.When looking at the differences between tikka and tikka masala, it is really hard to make out a difference as they come with an almost similar taste.
3.Tikka and tikka masala are of Indian origin.
4.Some say that tikka masala was originated in the United Kingdom in the 1970s, but some others say that tikka masala has its origin in Punja, a state in India.
5.Tikka and tikka masala are prepared almost the same way.
6.Tikka masala comes spicier. It is a bit hotter than normal tikka.
7.The only difference between tikka and tikka masala is that the latter one contains added masala or a collection of spices.

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1 Comment

  1. Chicken Tikka is Just chicken pieces on skewers with capsicum and onion pieces.

    Chicken tikka masala is when you take those skewers, and make a curry out of it.

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