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Difference Between Soy Milk and Almond Milk

Soy Milk vs Almond Milk

Both almond and soy milk aren’t really considered as true milks. These drinks are obtained from beans or nuts namely the soybeans and almond nuts. Ground soaking almonds together with water produces a sweetened milk product most especially if it is allowed to time or stand for a few more days. The same soaking method is used to obtain soy milk.

Almond milk and soy milk are very nutritious to the point that they can literally become substitutes to your real milk. They both contain a rich set of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Given one regular cup serving, almond milk has 1 gm less fat than soy milk. Aside from its powerhouse of mineral like manganese and selenium, almond milk is also considered as a very rich source of Vitamin E and omega fatty acids.

Manganese stimulates the enzymes of the body to function well and at the same time maintains the functioning of the parathyroid glands for healthier bones. As an antioxidant, vitamin E aids in eradicating free radicals that induce cell membrane destruction. Selenium helps strengthen the immune and reproductive system.

On the other hand, soy milk is undoubtedly the winner in protein content. It has about 10 gm of protein per serving compared to almond milk’s meager 1 gm. But when talking about calcium content, it bows down to almond milk. Soy milk only contains about 80 mg of calcium per serving whereas almond milk can meet the body’s 30% daily calcium needs. That’s why soy milk has a range of commercially prepared products fortified with more calcium.

Soy milk has isoflavones that maintain one’s health. When taken in the right amounts, it greatly reduces the risk for osteoporosis (especially in women) and certain cancers. This component also reduces the menopausal symptoms experienced by elderly women and it is known to be a cholesterol lowering agent.

Despite all of these benefits, both milk products have some minor drawbacks. Almond is a goitrogen. This means that it can cause an iodine deficiency that leads to goiter. Soy milk, by nature, has phytic acid that may reduce the absorptive capabilities of the body to certain vitamins and minerals.

Both almond and soy milk are ideal for individuals who have lactose intolerance and have certain allergies when drinking regular milk products. But the two still differ in the following aspects:

1. Almond milk has less fat than soy milk.

2. Almond milk has more calcium than soy milk.

3. Almond milk has less protein than soy milk.

4. Almond milk is obtained from ground soaked almonds while soy milk is obtained from ground soaked soybeans.

5. Almond milk is less popular than soy milk.

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1 Comment

  1. Articles posted on the internet lack the sources for the information found within them. It is your responsibility as an author to provide that to your readers. Much of this is true, but a lot of the statements are scientifically questionable. “This component also reduces the menopausal symptoms experienced by elderly women and it is known to be a cholesterol lowering agent,” is one of those statements that is scientifically unproved, although there are many people who “believe.” Belief versus facts are very different.

    Reminder to readers: Always do your own research and make your own decisions.

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