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Difference Between Picante Sauce and Salsa

Picante Sauce vs Salsa

Every one loves to spice up their foods every day with picante sauce and salsa as they add to the taste of the food.

What is salsa? It is a combination of chopped tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and spices. Salsa is mild and is added to a number of food items as a condiment. When coming to picante sauce, “picante” itself means “spicy or hot.” So picante sauce means hot sauce or spicy sauce. This spicy sauce is made from chili peppers. Usually this spicy sauce is added to foods or salsa to make it hotter or spicier.

Salsa has its origin with the Incas, Mayans, and Aztecs. These people for the first time used a combination of tomatoes, herbs, and peppers on meat dishes which were the first salsas.

The word “picante” is Spanish in origin. “Picant” is an adjective that has been derived from “picar,” which means “to sting.” This meaning has come from the feeling that the salsa causes on the tongue.

Salsa and sauce are essentially the same thing containing the same ingredients, but “picante” means “hot or spicy.” So while picante sauce is hot or spicy, salsa is mild.

If you search for differences between picante sauce and salsa, one can see various comparisons in the various websites and forums. It can be noticed that some say that picante sauce has ingredients that have been cooked when compared to salsa which has fresh or raw ingredients.

In some places there is some talk about the differences in the thickness between the two. Salsa is considered to be thinner than picante sauce. Picante sauce, which is considered an offset of pico de gallo, is usually thicker and chunky.


1.Salsa is a combination of chopped tomatoes, peppers, tomatillos, and spices. Salsa is mild and is added to a number of food items as a condiment.
2.Picante sauce means hot sauce or spicy sauce. This spicy sauce is made from chili peppers. It is added to foods or salsa to make it hotter or spicier.
3.Salsa and sauce are essentially the same thing containing the same ingredients, but “picante” means “hot or spicy.”
4.Picante sauce has ingredients that have been cooked when compared to salsa which has fresh or raw ingredients.
5.Salsa is considered to be thinner than picante sauce. Picante sauce, which is considered an offset of pico de gallo, is usually thicker and chunky.

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  1. Pace picante sauce, which is the most familiar (in my area), is much thinner with less chunks of ingredients

  2. I prefer picante to salsa.

  3. Wrong!!
    Picante is smoother and less chunky.
    Salsa is more chunky.

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