Difference Between NY Strip and KC Strip
NY Strip vs KC Strip
One of the best ways to define a culture is by its food. Across the world people cling to their culinary traditions. Koreans are proud of their spicy kimchee. The Germans love their bratwurst, and in America, land of cowboys and cattle ranchers, they are proud of their steaks. A cow, being a large animal, yields many different cuts of meat, and an experience butcher or barbequer can name all of them. Ribeye, round steak, sirloin, flank, and the list goes on and on. The choicest cuts of meat come from the part of the cow that does the least amount of work, just before the hindquarters. There you will find tenderloin, sirloin, and strip steaks.
Difference between a NY Strip and a KC Strip
NY Strip ‘“ comes from New York City. Long the financial and entertainment capital of North America, the rest of the country has historically worked to feed New Yorkers. With the advent of refrigerator cars, this also meant large chunks of beef, which New Yorkers soon took to be their birthright. They rechristened the strip steak the NY Strip.
KC Strip ‘“ also has its origins in geography. KC is short for Kansas City, one of the great cattle towns of the west and a meat packing center to rival Chicago until the town was disastrously flooded in 1951. It also adopted the pit barbeque style of cooking from Tennesseans and made it their own. Today, you can find KC Strips in more than ninety steakhouses in Kansas City.
The cut of meat that makes up a NY Strip and KC strip are essentially the same; it is cut from the area of the cow that is behind the ribs and before the flank. This meat can be cut in large sections and is generally between one and two and half inches thick.
Finer Distinctions between a NY Strip and KC Strip
NY Strip ‘“ is generally bigger. It isn’t uncommon to find a 24 ounce strip steak on New York and New Jersey menus. 16 ounces steaks are so blasé as to be part of airport fare. Sometimes one bone is still attached to the side of the strip and the fatty tip is generally left on the steak. NY Strips are often grilled in their own juices are garnished with Worcestershire sauce.
KC Strip ‘“ is almost smaller than a NY strip. Very rarely will you see it with the bone attached; that presentation is reserved for T-bone steaks. Many KC Strips will feature the work of the steakhouse’s secret barbeque recipe and should not be further flavored.
1.NY Strips and KC Strips are made from the same tender cut of beet, just after the ribs and before the flank.
2.The same cut of meat was christened by two different cities during the early nineteenth century and made their own.
3.NY Strips are not as heavily spiced as KC Strips, which are often marinated and cooked in secret barbeque sauces.
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Not so. KC strips are not barbecued or spiced. They’re grilled plain, usually, or at most with salt and pepper. And the steak in the photo on this page is a porterhouse, not a strip.
There is no difference between the two. They are the exact same cut of meat, and can be prepared in a variety of ways, though I have never seen a strip steak cooked in barbecue sauces.
Nope, you are both wrong and so is this post!
I have been in the meat business running my own USDA Plant for some time.
A NY Strip is a Boneless Steak of any size cut from the Striploin, contrarily, a KC Strip is a Bone-In Cut from the Striploin. When the bone is removed this is an extra step of processing that adds cost but makes it easier to eat, thus, somewhat fancier, hence, the NY is the fancy version and the KC has the bone in it making it somewhat more “rustic” but some say more flavorful.
There is never never bbq sauce added to a kc strip. I have found minimal differences between these, I would say for the common consumer, it is as much a regional issue more so than a bone in/out issue. Moving from KC to NJ, I never see a KC strip advertised, so I would say west of the mississippi it would be a KC strip, east coast is a NY strip. Size is less of an issue.
“and an experience butcher or barbequer can name all of them.”
That says it all.
No matter what you call this cut of meat it’s inferior to the better cuts.
All sorts of scrap meats are being given fancy names to sell to morons for a better price than the dog food makers are willing to pay for this slop that is so foul it can’t be passed through a meat grinder and made into hamburger.
You’re a moron Jim a Strip steak is one of the better cuts of beef that you can get. The majority of a T-bone or Porterhouse is a strip steak ( the bigger half is a strip steak, the smaller half is tenderloin.
I always heard the main difference between the two steakes were that The New York Strip was boneless and the Kansas City Steak had a b9ne in it. New Yorkers more refined, Kansas City the true Westerners.
Still not sure what the hell your talking about. Does anyone really know. You guys just left me mo confused.
I thought the kc strip is a better cut when cut with bone in and a little of
The old school way with tenderloins attached, like a porter only smaller. And who doesn’t love a little spices n butter while cooking this most excellent cut !!