Difference Between Flat White and Latte
Coffee is a favorite drink among many people. This has seen the invention of different coffee-based drinks such as cappuccino, Americano, Espresso, Latte, Flat white, Macchiato, and Mocha, just to name a few. Although the main component of these drinks is coffee, they may have different preparation methods and ingredients, hence the difference.
What is Flat White?
With an origin from Australia, this is an espresso-based drink that has steamed milk. This drink has been enjoyed since 1980s and is still a favorite for many people. It has a strong taste of coffee, made with a thin layer of micro-foam and a small amount of steamed milk. The ingredients of a flat white include double shot of espresso and micro-foamed milk, which gives the flat white a creamy taste. It is served basically smaller in quantity than cappuccino and latte and is served in a 1 6 0-165ml tulip cup.
What is Latte?
This is basically milky coffee, prepared with texturing or stretched milk. The texturing milk generates a microfoam and heats the milk to the desired temperature. The ingredients in a latte include about 60mls double espresso shots, steamed milk and approximately 1cm of micro-foam.
Similarities between Flat White and Latte
- Both are espresso based drinks
Differences between Flat White and Latte
The ingredients used in the preparation of flat white include double shot of espresso and micro-foamed milk, which gives the flat white a creamy taste. On the other hand, the ingredients used in the preparation of Latte include about 60mls double espresso shots, steamed milk and approximately 1cm of micro-foam.
Amount of milk
While flat whites have less froth and milk which is velvety and undiluted with foam, lattes have more milk and froth.
Amount served
While flat white is commonly served in smaller quantities of approximately 160-165ml, a latte is served in more quantities of approximately 240ml.
Flat white vs. Latte: Comparison Table
Summary of Flat White vs. Latte
While flat whites have less milk and froth and are served in smaller quantities, lattes have more milk and froth and are served in larger quantities.
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References :
[0]Image credit: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Perfect_caffe_latte_from_Cafe_Coffee_Day.jpg
[1]Image credit: https://pixabay.com/photos/coffee-flat-white-cafe-1582560/
[2]Daniel Young. Coffee Love: 50 Ways to Drink Your Java. John Wiley & Sons Publishers, 2009. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=0QxRp3jlQlsC&pg=PA17&dq=coffee+based+drinks&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwil6vmGl8_hAhVCyoUKHffbC8A4ChDoAQgnMAA#v=onepage&q=coffee%20based%20drinks&f=false
[3]Susan Zimmer. I Love Coffee!: Over 100 Easy and Delicious Coffee Drinks. Andrews McMeel Publishing, 2007. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=DZEIxKxX-rQC&printsec=frontcover&dq=Difference+between+flat+white+and+latte&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjU49fmls_hAhUvxoUKHb2nAGYQ6AEINzAD#v=onepage&q&f=false
[4]Negi Jagmohan. Food and Beverage Service (Skills and Techniques). S. Chand Publishing, 2013. https://books.google.co.ke/books?id=nDJlDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA246&dq=flat+white+and+latte&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwibtqyYmM_hAhURyoUKHXJnBxsQ6AEITzAI#v=onepage&q=flat%20white%20and%20latte&f=false