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Difference Between Honda and Yamaha outboard

Honda vs Yamaha outboard

Honda and Yamaha outboard engines have revolutionized boating. Though Honda and Yamaha are rivals in outboard engines, these two companies produce top rated outboards. No other company has manufactured outboards that could beat the Honda and Yamaha outboard engines. In the outboard market, Honda and Yamaha have established themselves as the forerunners. However, the Honda and Yamaha outboards differ in many ways.

When comparing the popularity and sales , Yamaha has an upper hand over Honda. Most of the people are seen to prefer Yamaha outboard. Some say that it is because the Yamaha has a wider marketing group than the Hondas.

Honda and Yamaha outboard are very powerful and deliver the required punch. All the Honda and Yamaha outboard models have different specs. Both the Honda and Yamaha outboard engines come with different horsepowers. For example a Honda 2.3 hp gives a 66 lbs of thrust whereas a Yamaha 2.5 hp gives a 7.8 lbs of thrust.

When comparing the acceleration rates, the Honda outboard accelerates slower than the Yamaha outboard. Moreover, the Honda outboards produce a little more noise than thde Yamaha outboards.

The Yamaha outboard has a very nice tiller-handle shifter when compared to Honda outboard.

Now coming to the weight between the two outboards, most of the Yamaha outboard models weigh a little heavier than most of the Honda outboard models. In the latest models, the Honda outboards are air-cooled where the latest Yamaha outboard are water-cooled.

Another difference than can be seen is that the Honda outboard can be laid only on one side whereas the Yamaha outboard can be laid on two sides.


1. When comparing the popularity and sales, Yamaha has an upper hand over Honda.

2. Both the Honda and Yamaha outboard engines come with different horsepower.

3. When comparing the acceleration rates, the Honda outboard accelerates slower than the Yamaha outboard.

4. The Yamaha outboard has a very nice tiller-handle shifter when compared to Honda outboard.

5. The Honda outboards produce a little more noise than thde Yamaha outboards.

6. In the latest models, the Honda outboards are air-cooled where the latest Yamaha outboard are water-cooled.

7. Most of the Yamaha outboard models weigh a little heavier than most of the Honda outboard models.

8. Honda outboard can be laid only on one side whereas the Yamaha outboard can be laid on two sides.

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  1. good decision ,my brother. YAMAHA WINNER! Yamaha looks better than the honda outboards.

  2. This article is terrible. There is only one model of Honda outboard that is air cooled, their 2.3 HP model. It is the lightest outboard available, and for it’s purpose is by far the best choice. Air cooling means no water jackets to plug, no impeller to fail/change, less corrosion issues and a lot less weight.
    This article implies all Honda outboards are air cooled, which is ridiculous.
    How can they definitevly say Yamaha has a higher acceleration rate compared to Honda? How about comparing engines of the same horse power? That would change the outcome.
    This is a farce, an extremely poorly researched article, and simply a joke. I love Yamaha outboards and have one, but this poor excuse for an article is actually dragging down the Internet’s standards, something I always thought was impossible to do.

    • Couldn’t agree more… I also have a yamaha outboard, but hope nobody makes a decision based on this article that looks like it’s written by somebody in Yamaha’s marketing team!

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