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Difference Between Civic and STI

subaru-pdCivic vs STI

The Honda Civic and the Subaru STI are two of the most popular cars, especially among the younger generation. While they both look good and perform well, each one of them has their own differences which may be considered as factors for many potential buyers to purchase one rather than the other. Here are just some of the differences between the Honda Civic and the Subaru STI.

Apart from the fact that these two cars are manufactured by two different car companies, one of the major differences is their engine and transmission layout. The Honda Civic’s engine and transmission layout is designed as a front wheel motor vehicle, which is the most common engine and transmission layout being used today. The torque coming from the engine is distributed only to the two front wheels of the vehicle, so whenever you need to change the direction of where the car is going, cars like the Honda Civic utilize only the front wheels. In the case of the Subaru STI, it uses a four-wheel engine and transmission layout design. Also referred to by others as an All Wheel Drive, the Subaru STI is equipped with a drivetrain that allows all of the four wheels of the car to receive torque energy from the engine at the same time. This being the case, four-wheel drive provides drivers more control and stability on different road surfaces ‘“ a definite plus when compared to front wheel driven cars, such as the Honda Civic.

Another difference between the Honda Civic and the Subaru STI, is their engine design. The Honda Civic utilizes a transverse engine. This type of engine design is also called an east-west engine design, because of the location of the crankshaft which is oriented side-to-side relative to the entire length of the car. On the other hand, the Subaru STI’s engine design is called a longitudinal engine. In this case, the crankshaft of the engine is located along the long axis of the entire vehicle. This is the reason why this type of engine design is also called a front-back engine design.

Both the Honda Civic and the Subaru STI run using a manual transmission. More commonly referred to as ‘stick shift’ driving, this type of transmission utilizes a driver-operated clutch to regulate the amount of torque being transferred from the internal combustion engine to the transmission of the car. On top of that, the Honda Civic also provides potential car owners with models that have automatic transmissions. This is the advantage that the Honda Civic has over the Subaru STI, which does not provide models with automatic transmissions. As the name implies, this type of transmission automatically changes the gear ratios as you drive.


1. Both the Honda Civic and the Subaru STI use a manual transmission. However, it is only the Honda Civic that provides potential car owners with models that have automatic transmissions.

2. The Honda Civic is a front wheel drive vehicle. The Subaru STI is classified as a four-wheel drive vehicle.

3. The Subaru STI has a longitudinal engine design, while the Honda Civic has a transverse engine design.

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1 Comment

  1. lol, another minor, very very tiny difference, that is usually not a factor, is the slight, minuscule $20,000 price difference between the two

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