Difference Between Rasool and Nabi
Rasool vs Nabi
In Islam, there are two types of messengers which are used by the Quran, the Rasool and the Nabi. Both positions are regarded highly by Islam’s followers. While most if not all messengers were Nabi, only a few were both a Nabi and a Rasool. The difference lies in the responsibilities that each is given.
Rasool is defined as a messenger, an individual who was given a new Sharia or code of law by Allah (God). The message is received by the Rasool as a vision while he is asleep or as a conversation with angels while he is awake.
A Rasool is born a Nabi but becomes officially a Rasool the instant he receives the position and makes it known. Of the several thousand Nabis and the 25 prophets that are mentioned in the Quran, there are five Rasools who are called Ulul azm:
Hazrat Nooh(as) who received the Sharia which was followed by other prophets until Hazrat Ibrahim(as).
Hazrat Ibrahim(as) who received the Sharia followed by other prophets until Hazrat Musa(as).
Hazrat Musa(as) who received the Sharia followed by other prophets until Hazrat Isa(as).
Hazrat Isa(as) who received the Sharia which was followed until the time of the Holy Prophet Muhammad(sws).
Prophet Muhammad(sws) who received the most perfect Sharia which is to be followed until the last day of the world.
This Sharia can never be changed, and there can be no other prophet after Prophet Muhammad(sws) because he is the last prophet. He also holds the highest rank and position among all the prophets, Rasools, and Nabis.
Of a slightly lower rank than a Rasool is the Nabi who is also a messenger of Allah (God). Unlike the Rasool, though, the Nabi is not given a new Sharia but follows the Sharia which was given to the Rasool who came before him.
“Nabi” is a term that is used in both Arabic and Hebrew to refer to “prophet.” While a Rasool can communicate with angels, a Nabi can only see them in his sleep. Both the Rasool and the Nabi are tasked with sharing and delivering the messages of Allah (God) to His people.
1.“Rasool” is an Islamic word for “messenger” while “Nabi” is the Islamic as well as the Hebrew word for “prophet.”
2.There are several thousand Nabis while there are only a few Rasools.
3.While both the Rasool and the Nabi are tasked with sharing the message of Allah to His people, a Rasool holds a higher position while a Nabi holds a lower position.
4.A Rasool is always a Nabi while a Nabi may or may not become a Rasool.
5.While a Rasool receives a new Sharia from Allah, a Nabi does not and only follows the Sharia of the Rasool before him.
6.A Rasool receives messages through visions and communication with angels while awake while a Nabi receives messages which are conveyed to him by angels in his sleep.
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Very nice jazakkallah
Very well explained,had a question of dawood,a.s.he. brought the zaboor,is that o e of the sharia,then is he a Rasool?
zaboor didn’t has any laws but only duas
It must be added that a nabi can be murdered while a rasool cannot be
Very usefull for every one. Sukhr hai Allah ka.
You have it all backwards.Nabi is the one that receives the Book and he becomes a Rasool when he relays the message.Nabi is a Rasool when relaying the message so every nabi is a Rasool but not every Rasool is a Nabi.Pharoh sent a Rasool to Yousuf As. He was nothing but a man.
June 15 ,2021
Dear sir,
Sir, where you from? Iam from Bangladesh, but i know a little amount of Urdu, Hindi, English. And Bangla Language is my mother language.
Thanks sir,
Muhammad claimed to be the seal of the Nabieen not the seal of the Rassools.
You did not read or understand. Easy no Nabi, no Rasool. If Muhammad (Pbuh) is last Nabi then he is also the last Rasool
Isa AS did not bring any new law or sharia…he followed the Law of Musa AS..Mohammed SAW is not the last prophet..he is the seal of the prophets..meaning he brought the last sharia…but there will be prophets who will be subordinate of Mohammed SAW.
but their can’t be a Nabi (who teaches old shariah
Jesus was a Rasul but didn’t had a shariah because shariah is not the criteria but being appointed as a Rasul i.e A Nabi to a specific group of people makes a Nabi upgraded to Rasul
Thus Rasul is a special type of Rasul and if their is no Nabi their can’t be a Rasul
Assalamualaikum brother plz correct your wording in this text because you are not talking about any ordinary men you are talking about the Holy Prohet (P.B.U.H). The words which you have witten are inappropriate.Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) is the last Prophet of Allah and on his back between the shoulders there was the seal of Prophethood. I hope that you will understand what I am saying.Thankyou
Sorry brother if you are offended by my words.
Please explain the last line of ur comment. Isn’t Muhammad PBUH the last prophet n rasool? What’s the finality of prophet hood then? Ur statement is ambiguous. N pls mention the reference as well.
Thank you
Well explained
To become a Rasool u have to be a Nabi first.
So when No Nabi No Rasool.
Without being a nabi one cannot be a rasool..so no nabi after (saw) means no nabi as well as no rasool.
Thank you, that’s the fact
Well I am not a scholar so my take on it is my personal view. You might not agree. For someone to be a Rasool they first have to be a Nabi, as every Rasool is first a Nabi. If there is going to be no Nabi then that implies that there can be no further Rasool as well. This is how see the statement. Thank you.
Surah Mariyam Ayat 54
“Also mention in the Book Ismail .He was true to what he promised. And he was a Rasool and a Nabi.”
All are written wrong. expand your study on Quran. No difference between nabi and rasool. When any Godly messenger receives the revelation he is called Nabi and when he applies practically the received revelation from God in society is called Rasool or Paghamber. Read the Holy Quran. Qadiani makes difference to deceive the Muslims. Beware!
Assalamualaikum brother the one who recieve a Holy book from Allah is called Rasool and the one who recieve sahifa(booklets) is called nabi.
Masha allah well explanation between nabi and rasool
Masha allah nice explain nabi and rasool
Good knowledge
Masha Allah what a information
Isa AS did not bring any new law or sharia…he followed the Law of Musa AS..Mohammed SAW is not the last prophet..he is the seal of the prophets..meaning he brought the last sharia…but there will be prophets who will be subordinate of Mohammed SAW.
Define difference between Nabi and rasool with toheed?
Muhammad was not a prophet, but a messenger. According to the Qur’an, anyway…
A prophet can see into the future. Muhammad could not. His sole duty was to deliver ‘the message’, as contained in the Qur’an.
Er was both a Nabi and a Rasul. This stands so in the Quran. Furthermore, it is not true, that he did not say anything about the future. Of course, Allah told him that. If you read Hadiths in this regard, you can see this. They have come true by a lot!
Every Rasul is a Nabi, but not every Nabi is not a Rasul.
Great, thank you
Assalamualaikum brother Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was a prohet and he can see the future
Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W) was a prohet and he can see the future
JazakALLAH…I was not aware earlier I thought Nabi and Rasool are same….but MashaALLAH it is very informative and very well explained
They are not the same, every Rasul is a Nabi, but not every Nabi is a Rasul.
Very important difference between nabi and rasool is that, Rasool always died on natural death . Rasool never be murdered.
The ahadith were compiled 200-300+ years AFTER the death of the Rasul. Allah state in the Qur’an that it, the book, is the FINAL HADITH and “We have left nothing out”. The ahadith are mainly fabrications of untrusted narrators, compiled by foreign editors, eg Bukhari. In truth, the Messenger of Islam was not a Nabi, his job was solely deliver the message. He did not, and could not, prophecy any future event, and nothing like that is stated in the Qur’an!
JazakAllah very informative