Difference Between Prayer and Supplication
Prayer vs supplication
In the Bible, one comes across two types of prayer. Thus St Paul says in Phil 4:6 ‘with all prayer and supplication”. So what it the difference between prayer and supplication? Most people, regard both as terms describing prayers with no difference between them.
Supplication is a form of prayer but considered as kneeling down and bending down in which someone makes a humble petition or an entreaty God. Prayer, however, can be defined as sincere thanksgiving or requests made to God.
Unlike in prayer, where this is not necessarily so, there is always a request in supplication. In this type of prayer, one asks for or desires something from God. In prayer, there may be no request made but only praise showered on God.
For example, a person praying may say ‘bless my family’, ‘thanks for saving me’ or ‘thanks for saving my son’s life’ and the like. But a person who is crying out to God for the cure of his ailing wife, injured friend or similar, is making a supplication.
In prayer, a person may praise the power and qualities of God. This is not the case in supplication. There may be a thread of thankfulness to God in prayers, but supplication entails only entreaty or requests.
1. Supplication is a form of prayer in which someone makes a humble petition or an entreaty God. Prayer, however, can be defined as sincere thanksgiving or requests made to God.
2. There is always a request in supplication. In this type of prayer, one asks for or desires something from God. In prayer, there may be no requests ,but only praise showered on God.
3. In prayer, more epithets of God are used whereas it is not used in supplication.
4. In prayer, a person can praise the power and qualities of God. Such praise need not occur in supplication.
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Can you pray and make supplication in the same session? Because there it a guide for praying in the Lord’s prayer “ACTS”. (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and supplication)
So you are saying that it is levels to prayer
I love and like this sight 🙂
Thank you for your insight.
Appreciate it.
Ana Miles
Very insightfu. Thank you.
I am interested learning to pray effectual prays with understanding, do you have DVDs on teaching how to pray and praise and worhisp?
The Bible is all you need. Follow the Lords Pray.
For powerful prays – cleanse your life of all unrighteous ask God to show you everything that doesn’t please him. This takes time as its likely that you will be on trial to expose your choices. Fast from sin is very very good.
God will then hear your prays.
God has, through His word (the Bible) told you all the things to do to please Him. If you are doing things contrary to His commands, you are doing things that displease Him. So reading the Bible and studying is your guide…yes?
Fast from sin. Yes!
Thank you. I’ve been struggling now for a long time, and it’s like everybody makes me doubt whether I should ask for anything directly.
He is my abba.
God is pure fire and when you pray sincere he answers by fire he’s clothed in fire he heals by fire through his grace and mercy we are defined by his love and goodness oh lord my rock and my refuge oh my soul
I am 100% in agreement with the fire I love this Outlook believe it to be Revelation knowledge
Apart from sin n doubt what else can hinder our prayers to be answered,?
If you didnt forgive somebody or if you dont humble yourself and still have pride in you. God the father wont answer if someone has pride in him. Also fasting helps to show God that you humble yourself and that you desire him more. Hope this helps brother.
Satanic forces as in the case of Daniel’s encounter with the Prince of Persia
What can hinder our prayer other than sin and doubt unforgiveness or having unforgiveness in our hearts the Bible clearly says that if we have unforgiveness in our hearts it will hinder our prayers from being answered
I think supplication is also prayer but a different kind…is a prayer of petition….and thanksgiving and praises is another kind of prayer….the are all prayers. Just deferent ways of praying
I have read Philippians 4:6 so many times, but when I read it this morning, I was medidating on the three verbs used “prayer, supplication and thanksgiving “.
I came online to really know what they means and their difference and I understand it better now.
I had the same thoughts in mind this morning and I came across this website. Along with reading this site and others I have a clearer understanding of Philippians 4:6. Thank God I get it now!(understand it)
This is delicious
What I understand here is that when ever I seek help from God means am praying, but if am thanking God for what he hath done to me means am supplicating
Just switch the two; when you’re making petitions & requests it’s called supplication. Praising God & thanking Him is what would be called prayer.
I love to pray and supplication unto the Lord every day. When i leave my house i pray on my knees with my hands up asking to take me thru the streets safely letting no harm or danger befall me keep me from all hurt harm or danger seen and unseen watch over protect me keep me in his will. Aman
I Love the Love for all his benefit toward my unworthy soul im unworthy but he seen fit to include me in his plan of salvation.given me a chance to the tree of life for i repented for my sin he gave me remembrance of my sins and i ask the Lord to forgive me all things become new i don’t drink, smoke , swear
I don’t fornicate i don’t dress like the world he said his people are peculiar people be in the world but not of the world.
I Love the Lord for all his benefit toward my unworthy soul im unworthy but he seen fit to include me in his plan of salvation.given me a chance to the tree of life for i repented for my sin he gave me remembrance of my sins and i ask the Lord to forgive me all things become new i don’t drink, smoke , swear
I don’t fornicate i don’t dress like the world he said his people are peculiar people be in the world but not of the world.
Amen !
Prayer is communicating with God. It is from the heart. I don’t believe you would have a scripted or outlined conversation with a friend. Whether praising or requesting, would it matter what type of communication is being lifted up? It is your heart to God’s heart. I believe that Jesus taught the Lord’s Prayer to demonstrate to us that God wants it all. The Lord’s Prayer includes it all! God does not want it complicated. Speak to God…don’t recite and it will come as He wills it. He already knows your heart, but prayer reveals your heart to yourself as well. That’s my take on it. Not saying it is right or you’re wrong. This is solely from my walk with God and how He chooses to hear and communicate with me.
Thank you for the insight.
Am just happy for the above comments. Much blessings to you children of God.
I’m blessed by the knowledge and understanding of God’s word here this morning, I’ve been reading How to pray effectively (rules of prayer for different situation and how to apply them” but today , I am ready to pray
I love this God
I live by Romans 14:8 If I live I live for Christ. If I die I die in Christ. I am a winner either way live or die. It doesn’t matter. I belong to God. Without God we are EMPTY! Remember this! It is Not religion in Jesus- It is a Relationship with Jesus.
Love is the key to getting your prayers answered. If you abide in God you walk in love there is no other way you can walk. As a child of God you were created in love and that is the truth. When others see you they see Jesus (love is your character)
I love this whole epistle.
Thanks so much for sharing.
I have had Covid for almost a week. I did not test but I’m sure I’m positive everyone around me in my family has tested and they are positive. Im much better due to rest vaccines medication and most important God. I’ve took this time to read more study more and try to set a new list of things I’d like to do on 2022. To
I will be
59 the 18th in 1 more days. And all I can say is. Thank you Thank you Lord for saving me. Giving me many chances to get it right. Thank you Lord for 3 beautiful grandsons.2 beautiful children special family from parents to brothers sister and etc. Thank you for all my osteo arthritis and my 58 1/2 wrinkles. I am surely one lucky Lady learning more and more everyday from my God Love Forgiveness Faith Prayer and all included to make a whole picture of what God gives us in our life from them time we are put on this earth. Thank you Lord for specially picking me.Your Amazing. Thanks you for them lessons from this website.