Difference Between Catholic Church and Protestant Church
catholic church vs protestant church
Founded on the faith in Jesus Christ, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches have many differences between them. Â In the Catholic Church, for instance, Â the altar is central , while the pulpit is the focus in the Protestant Church.
In the Catholic Church, the mass gives much emphasis to rituals, symbols and ceremony unlike the  Protestant Church. The masses are performed in a liturgical manner in a Catholic Church, also unlike the Protestant Church.
Regarding the Bible, the Catholic and Protestant translations are almost similar with one exception. In the Catholic Church translation, the Apocrypha is included. These writings are not seen in Protestant translations.
Another major difference that can be seen between the two churches is with regard to the Virgin Mary. The followers of the Catholic Church believe that Mary was a virgin all through out her life and that the birth of Jesus Christ was a real miracle. On the other hand, the followers of Protestant Church do not consider Mary to have remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus.
It should also be noted that the Protestants are very religious and give as much importance to the church as they give to their homes. The Protestants place more emphasis on the bible when compared to the Catholics. Unlike the protestant church, the Catholic Churches tend to be more decorated.
In belief, the Catholic Church followers have more beliefs. This is one reason why the services in a Catholic Church are longer than those of the Protestant Church. Catholics have seven sacraments whereas the Protestants have only two.
- In the Catholic Church, the altar is the centre of worship, whereas the pulpit is the focal point  in the Protestant Church.
- Masses are performed in a liturgical manner in the Catholic Church, Â unlike in Protestant Churches.
- In the Catholic Church translation of the Bible, Â the Apocrypha; which is a collection of seven complete books and additions to others, are included. These writings are not seen in Protestant translations.
- The followers of the Catholic Church believe that Mary was a virgin all throughout her life and the birth of Jesus Christ was a real miracle. On the other hand, the followers of the Protestant Church do not consider Mary to have remained a virgin after the birth of Jesus Christ.
- Catholics have seven sacraments whereas the Protestants have only two.
- The Catholic Church followers have more beliefs. This is one reason why the services in a Catholic Church are longer than that of the Protestant Church.
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An interesting article, but we should really define what Protestant means? After all, I was taught that a protestant was a follower of Luther in his protest against Rome. As an Anglican Catholic, I would never use the term, how-and-ever, 17th, Cent, Anglicans used the term as the 18th, Cent, American Anglicans did, in protest against the ,’political’ adventures of the papacy! Whilst in the late 18th, Century, (1791,) the Holy Roman Church in England described itself as ,’Protestant Dissenting Catholics,’ in a letter to the house of Lords. Cal. S.P.
The Catholic church labels any christian church that is not Catholic as a Protestant church. This is not correct. History has shown there were remnants, non Catholic believers, “in the shadows”, from the earliest time of the Christian movement, avoiding the wrath of the Catholic leadership which would have probably resulted in harsh treatment or death had they been discovered. These believers never protested the problems of the Catholic church and therefore should not be considered Protestants. Readers should study the history of the Roman Catholic church’s claim as holding the right to the seat of the Papist, claiming Peter visited Rome and gave Rome the blessing.
Many years later it was found to have been a false claim, Peter never traveled to Rome. However the tradition was set and Rome remained the seat.
Thanks for your articles.I am a seeker of the truth,the whole truth and not half or beclouded truth.Please I will like you to show me evidence of the ‘remnant’ in history.Why were they overshadowed? Where are they in defining the canons of the bible?. Why did Rev Fr Martin Luther not mention them or spring up from them.? Who are their descendants and where can they be seen today? My kind regards