Difference Between Communism and Nationalism
Communism vs Nationalism
Communism and nationalism are two different theories. There is not much confusion between the two and there are explicit differences between the two terms.
Nationalism can be defined as an acute belief in one’s country. Communism can be termed as a form of socialism that looks forward for a class less society and where there is no private ownership. This makes it clear that communism does not stand for any regional or nation specific aspirations. On the other hand, nationalism pertains to a specific nation only.
Communism is a theory that stands for a stateless society. On the other hand, nationalism stands for a state or nation. Nationalism can be termed as compartmentalized where as communism is not like that.
Nationalism means the development of a particular nation. For nationalists, state or nation is the primary importance. However, for communist, the whole class or the whole world is a single entity. It is the community that prevails over others in communism whereas in nationalism, it is the national spirit that prevails over other thoughts.
In nationalism, there is a belief that one nation is superior to other nations. Moreover, the citizens of a country are more valued than the citizens of other countries. This belief does not hold in communism. For the communists, community stands above all. Unlike the nationalists, the communists think globally.
Nationalism is a term that was coined by Johann Gottfried Herder in the late 1770s. Though it is difficult to state when and wehere nationalism had emerged, it can be seen that the word had developed ater the French revolution and the American War of Independence. On the other hand Communism developed as a theory after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917. The term got popularized through ‘Communist Manifesto’, a book written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
1. Nationalism can be defined as an acute belief in one’s country. Communism can be termed as a form of socialism that looks forward for a class less society and where there is no private ownership.
2. It is the community that prevails over others in communism whereas in nationalism, it is the national spirit that prevails over other thoughts.
3. Nationalism can be termed as compartmentalized where as communism is not like that.
4. In nationalism, there is a belief that one nation is superior to other nations. This belief does not hold in communism.
5. Nationalism developed after the French Revolution and the American War of Independence. Communism developed as a theory after the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.
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True nationalism does not hold that one nation is superior to others. It is separatist, not supremacist. If one nation were to hold its superiority over another, and then conquer it based on that belief, it would actually be practicing internationalist politics. However, if “superiority” is what is needed to raise a sense of nationalism, then that beleif is acceptable within the nation. If the nation is truly and completely nationalist, then there will be no-one who is held as inferior within the country. Conquering other nations is not acceptable under nationalist philosophy.
True nationalism does not hold that one nation is superior to others. It is separatist, not supremacist. If one nation were to hold its superiority over another, and then conquer it based on that belief, it would actually be practicing internationalist politics. However, if “superiority” is what is needed to raise a sense of nationalism, then that beleif is acceptable within the nation. If the nation is truly and completely nationalist, then there will be no-one who is held as inferior within the country. Conquering other nations is not acceptable under nationalist philosophy.
To be clear, fighting against internationalist conquering forces, in other nationalist countries, is acceptable. Nationalists have a vested interest in not allowing internationalists to gain control of other nationalist nations.
It is incumbent upon any communist country to show the rest of the world why communism is superior to other kinds of government. Why should any community, state, nation, country embrace communism if it cannot be shown to be a superior governing and communal arrangement among humans? to date, it has not been done. And the question must be asked as to why the majority of people immigrating today are coming to America. But I want to address this statement in the article: “Unlike the nationalists, the communists think globally.” Really?? So the citizens of say, Russia are concerned with spreading communism around the world? This is ludicrous. They have all to do to maintain life in the economically strangled communities that they live in, let alone think about spreading a claustrophobic ideology anywhere else. Maybe the elites in these communist countries think about spreading communism, but this would clearly be a defensive reaction against the possibility of another political entity overtaking them. Communist regimes have historically moved to overtake other countries in an effort to expand and absorb the resources of weaker nations, i.e. Russia – Afghanistan, North Korea – South Korea, North Vietnam – South Vietnam, etc.
While Russia is certainly not a democracy, I don’t see present day Russia as communist; one huge difference is that Russia today is more open to religion, especially Christianity, which wouldn’t typically be allowed under Communism.
All communists in history have been nationalists, because that is the core of a communist state, whether the state is a country or whole planet.
I truly believe that there is a difference between Nationalism and Communism.. You see Communism to gain control uses nationalist and patriotic slogans to convince the masses.. Please notice what I just said…. Nationalism and Patriotism, is used by Communist to convince the masses… Nationalism stands for ones Country/ State while Communism stands for each individual, But let’s see now, How much will it Cost a Communist regime to maintain each one of their individuals????? My God they would have to become Capitalists in order to feed and clothe everyone and since their Communists, well that is just Not going to happen… While in a Nationalist State there will need to be a “Private Economic Sector” in order to keep an open Economy that strives and works… It’s two different roads…we saw it in Spain in the 1940s, we saw it in Iran when they had the Sha and a Alley of the US and we saw it in Chile with Augusto Pinochet… The three were Nationalist States that functioned pretty good by Not destroying their Economic Democracy’s but by Limiting social interests to develop into Communism… If you mentioned in those States the word Communism you would be ousted and pushed aside….Nationalism presents a whole Country while Communism represents each individual and my God you will need a Super, Super Economy to make that happen but it won’t since it’s a Shutdown/ Closed System where not even Economy is worth leaving alone .. I would prefer Nationalism…..