Difference Between Army and Marines
Army vs. Marines
The United States Army, the largest branch of the United States Armed Forces, and the United States Marine Corps, one of the smallest branches, have unique objectives, capabilities, and training.
The Marine Corps is called the nation’s force in readiness due to having the ability to quickly become engaged in operations, respond to crises, and gain and defend footholds. Providing humanitarian assistance and engaging in counterterrorism and military combat operations both independently and jointly with other military services and allies, the Marine Corps possesses a wide range of capabilities and performs a variety of roles and functions.
While the Army maintains more combat arms in sheer numbers, combat arms constitute a greater proportion of Marine Corps personnel; in addition, the Marine Corps maintains a more diverse aviation arm. Amphibious and highly flexible, the Marine Corps is a lighter force than the Army and is able to operate on and from naval platforms, as well as carry out campaigns on shore and in the air. The Marine Corps is forward deployed and an integrated air, ground, and sea combined arms force; thus, it is uniquely able to adapt in order to meet the nation’s security needs and circumstances. Having the ability to change and deploy rapidly allows for a quick, aggressive response to conflicts and crises, and provides decision-makers with more options than would otherwise be possible.
The United States Army is the ground force of the Armed Forces, whose objectives are to preserve peace, security, and democracy, support national objectives and policies, and defend the United States against any aggressive acts by other nations or entities. Whereas the Marine Corps is trained and equipped to be first into battle with transport assistance from the Navy, the United States Army is organized and prepared for long-term combat. The Army has the responsibility of protecting and defending the United States, as well as securing resources, people, and land during military campaigns overseas.
A major difference between the Army and Marine Corps is that the latter falls under the United States Department of the Navy. Despite the Marine Corps being a separate service, the branches train together and share some customs and traditions. The Navy provides the Marine Corps with logistical and technical support, as well as religious, medical, and dental care. In contrast, the United States Army trains and recruits chaplains as well as medical and dental support personnel.
Both military branches require enlistees to complete recruit training, which is 12 weeks in the Marine Corps and 12 weeks in the Army, and takes place at their respective training bases. Marine enlistees, then, must attend Infantry or Marine Combat Training before attending Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) schools. Conversely, Army enlistees, after basic training, attend Advanced Individualized Training (AIT) schools to train in a military occupational specialty.
With the exclusion of Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC), which includes the Army ROTC and Navy ROTC-Marine Option, the Army and Marine Corps offer different pathways to becoming a commissioned officer. There is a mutual focus on confidence, leadership, and military training; however, the length, location, and curriculum of officer training programs differ when it comes to the United States Army and Marine Corps.
The United States Marine Corps Officer Candidates School located in Quantico, Virginia offers two six-week courses and one ten-week course to candidates enrolled in one of several commissioning programs targeted at college students and graduates, enlisted Marines, and Navy academy graduates. Training is conducted to prepare candidates for leadership positions, and students are screened and evaluated for leadership fitness throughout the course(s). Midshipmen receive the rank of Second Lieutenant after completing Officer Candidate School.
Fort Benning, Georgia is home to the Officer Candidates School of the United States Army, where college graduates, Warrant Officers, and enlisted members receive 12 weeks of soldier and leadership training and evaluation via participation in Infantry battle drills to become commissioned officers with the rank of Second Lieutenants in the United States Army.
The United States Army and Marine Corps each operate their own federal service academy where officer candidates are educated and trained. In Annapolis, Maryland resides the United States Naval Academy, a four-year coeducational university that trains officers-in-training, known as midshipmen. The Navy provides full tuition with the stipulation that candidates enter active duty service upon graduation. The United States Naval Academy commissions graduates in both the Marine Corps and Navy, as second lieutenants and ensigns, respectively. Midshipmen receive military, physical, and honor training in preparation for active duty service in the Marine Corps. In addition to becoming commissioned officers, graduates receive a Bachelor of Science degree in one of 22 major areas of study.
The United States Military Academy at West Point, located in West Point, New York, provides a four-year educational, moral, ethical, and physical training to cadets in preparation for post-graduate Army service. Officers-in-training, known as cadets, are required to complete a leadership development program and rigorous academic coursework in order to foster the critical thinking and problem solving skills that will be needed upon becoming commissioned officers at graduation. The residential, coeducational university offers 45 programs leading to a Bachelor of Science degree, and bestows on its graduates the entry-level commissioned officer rank of Second Lieutenant. Tuition is Army funded in exchange for post-graduate active duty service.
- The Marine Corps are equipped for early entry, while the Army is equipped for sustained fighting
- The Army is much larger than the Marine Corps
- The Marine Corps is an amphibious, integrated force under the Department of the Navy and relies on Navy technical and medical support, whereas the Army is a land force which trains its own medical, dental, and religious personnel
- The United States Army and Marine Corps offer separate pathways to becoming a commissioned officer
- Each branch operates a federal service academy to educate officer candidates, as well as different locations for basic training
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“Usually, the Marines attack first and as soon as they have cleared the area, the US Army forces come in.”
“Marines are always the first US military personnel on site when there is combat.”
Neither of the above statements are true. The first statement is nonsense and show no understanding of how the military works or how combat operations work. The second is false because US Special Operations Forces are on the ground long before any of the conventional forces have even arrived. And out of the conventional forces, the USAF is usually first on scene.
You like to think that…but it depends where the fighting is happening..if army is closer then it is the army and vise-a-verse
”The US Army has a significantly stronger force due to the its larger size. It also has its own sub groups, (”which includes the Army Rangers who are trained in a similar manner to the marines”)
seriously? similar? no offense, i respect the marines but their training(bct) is no way near the army rangers training (you’re talkin about elite training like, pathfinder, jumpmaster, ranger school, survival, booby traps, air assault, and more) in short. more than just ”basic” combat training. some marines cant even get through ranger school.
get your facts straight.
and have a good day.
Marines and Army Rangers ???
I’ll say this after 22.5 years in the Marine Corps 9yrs as a Force Recon Operator and a graduate of Army Ranger Courses. The missions are both uniquely very different. Training is quite different. I’ll tell you this that I know for sure 8 out of 10 Rangers could not pass Combat Divers Course on their best day. We jump higher patrol longer dive deeper and are inserted longer and deeper. The missions are uniquely very different. I’ve trained with all branches except the Air Force but had a few PJ’s attached to us prior to 911. We all have a common objective. Completing and accomplishing the assigned mission. SEMPER FI
There are actually five branches of the Armed Forces. Four fall under the DoD. The Marines are an entire branch of the Armed Forces. You should probably never talk about the military ever again.
Marines are under the department of the Navy !!! that’s the facts !!
I stopped reading after the first paragraph. You need to check your facts and not post lies about the branches of the military online.
Army Rangers are part of the Spec Ops of the United States Military, the United States Marine Corps is a Branch of the United States Military. I often see unfair comparisons of the Marine Corps with the Army Rangers. If you want to compare you have to Compare the USMC Spec Ops (MARSOC), US Marine Force Recon, US Marine FAST Teams with the Army Rangers. They are all very Highly trained and are all built a little different, that is what makes the United States Military so versitile and lethal. To feed into this Army Ranger Vs US Marine Corps nonsense is pretty sad.
The United States Marine Corps is a proud group of individuals Combined with our Fine US Army, Navy, and Air Force counter parts that continue to keep our country safe, I doubt very seriously if you would be able to convince a Army Ranger that because he does not sport the Eagle Globe and Anchor that he is not proud of what he has done defending this Great Nation.
US Army Rangers are highly skilled in what they do. US Marine Corps Force Recon and US Marine Corps MARSOC are highly skilled in what they do. So next time lets compare Apples to Apples and keep the unfair comparisons where they belong in the trash heap.
Semper Fidelis
Marines train at many Army schools !!!
Doesn’t the army have their own instructors? LOL
My marine brother when we’re in combat. We all have our separate mission. To defend our country and that’s what makes us strong. Working together, to accomplish one mission,
To defeat the enemy.
And protect our country…
We have special forces of all branches gathering surveillance, And intelligence Such is Delta Force CIA etc…
God bless all who have served in the Armed Forces to protect our Country.
AMEN !!! Very well said.
1st Sgt. USMC Ret.
Well said Ronnie!!! compare apple’s with apple’s. your post made the most sense
Did any marine train under a Captain Sobel of the 506?
As a platoon leader in Vietnam .I was under the opinion that we were fighting the same war. This bs that who was better. I get real sick of. By the way 50 some years of a more than few bar fights I have kicked a large number of Marines ass.and lost some. So I guess out training was not that different it’s just whose the better man.
My experience was, Marine Boot Camp in 1959, MCRD San Diego, Calf.
Army brass were in the bleachers with clip boards seeing us train. Constantly taking notes.
South Korean Marines, staff NCO’s attended all our boot camp training. The latter were still forming the reputable South Korean Marines.
I don’y mean to imply disfavor with the U.S. Army just stating facts. I am pushing 83 years in September.
Its all about the coast guard ese