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Difference between IMAX and Real 3D

IMAX vs Real 3D

If you have been close to adverts, you must have come across a movie being advertised. Some of the words that you ought to expect is “Now in 3D” or ‘IMAX’. These two common names that might pop up in the movie terminologies emanate from. Showing movies in 3rd dimension seems to be the way to go for the industry. However, just what differences are there when it comes to IMAX and Real 3d?

Both of these two technologies make use of glasses that allow for polarization of filters, allowing each eye to see a slightly different image which when perceived by the brain relates to the total 3D image. The glasses used in IMAX theatres however are larger in a bid to offer a large field of view. It will be a good thing to note that both these technologies offer clean images and thus the quality is excellent for both. The IMAX auditoriums make use of 2k projectors which produce brighter light and thus a more fulfilling experience for the user through the viewing glasses. I max integrate both analogue and digital platforms in showing content, with IMAX being around since 1986. This makes it more seasoned as opposed to the RealD technology that came into the market barely 10 years ago.

Most IMAX screens tend to employ most of the analog features in their airing content and thus have large screens. These locations are therefore preferred to be used for airing of documentaries as opposed to feature films.  IMAX dome on the other hand are the analogue variation of IMAX that has a dome shaped screen.

Imax Digital 3D movies will cost more when compared to RealD 3D for several reasons. One of these reasons is that the Imax sound is far much better as opposed to the sound that is produced by the RealD 3D. The visual quality of IMAX 3D is also so much higher, bringing in an engaging experience while at the movie.

Real 3D uses linear polarization while Imax Digital 3D uses circular polarizing in the generation of pictures. The projectors used in achieving the picture qualities of the two are dual projectors for the IMAX digital 3 D and a single projector for the RealD 3D. This single projector comes fitted with a 3 D lens which is said to offer 4 times the clarity of picture as compared to the 1080p Full HD picture quality. Both the screens for IMAX and RealD 3D are coated with silver to allow for an interactive and vivid viewing. Movies sot with high resolution cameras therefore are just but too vivid to watch on RealD 3D.  The glasses for IMAX Digital 3D are larger to accommodate for the larger screens while the RealD 3D are just the standard size of 3D glasses. The audio in the IMAX 3D is uncompressed and therefore seems to be of a better quality as opposed to RealD 3D whose specifications on sound are not standard but vary by theatre.

When it comes to depth of the picture, Imax Digital 3D offers better quality with the image seemingly popping out of the picture. This however is not too comfortable of some people who tend to fear the concept of the props getting out of the picture. For the slight depth into 2D, RealD 3D is preferred.


IMAX and 3D 3D are two methods through which movies shot in 3 dimension can be aired.

IMAX #d glasses larger than RealD 3D glasses due to larger field of view of IMAX

IMAX movies cost more than RealD 3D due to vivid picture and standard sound

IMAX uses 2 projectors and RealD 3D uses 1 3D projector

IMAX has better picture depth than RealD 3D.

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1 Comment

  1. There is an error in your report in that RealD uses circular polarisation whereas Imax uses linear polarisation.

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