Difference Between Zen Buddhism And Tibetan Buddhism
Zen Buddhism vs Tibetan Buddhism
Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism. This has been translated from a Chinese word signifying Chan. The word is said to be derived from Sanskrit word dhyana which mean meditation. Zen signifies an experimental procedure in the form of a meditation undergone by Buddhists to attain enlighten for self realization. It is a Southern Indian Pallava prince turned monk Bodhidharma came to China and taught this. The Zen Buddhism is established in China, the Shaolin Temple. This has emerged as a distinguished school of Buddhism. In the 7th century AD this was documented for the first time in China.
Tibetan Buddhism on the other hand is an association of various Buddhist religious beliefs and thoughts projecting the characteristics of Tibet and various religions of the Himalayas. They are found in India, Bhutan and northern parts of Nepal. Tibetan Buddhism is also practiced in parts of Mongolia.northeast China and Russia.The doctrine of Tibetan Buddhism includes the teachings of the three vehicles of Buddhism. These three vehicles are Foundational Vehicle, Mahayana and Vajrayana. On the event of the uprising of the Tibetan culture during 1959, the whole world has become familiarised with it. It has spread to the western countries.
Zen Buddhism is similar to all other nature of Buddhism beliefs and practices. The universal nature is same. It focuses on nothing but the nature of one’s own mind. The mian aim of Zen Buddhism is to discover the Buddhist nature that lies hidden inside each person. They undergo meditation and mindfulness on a regular basis to attain self realization. The Zen Buddhism believes that through meditation one will know the new perspectives and insights about the existence of life and this will give enlightenment.
The goal of Tibetan Buddhism is spiritual development. This Mahayana tradition is aimed to receive Buddhahood to enlighten oneself so as to one can help others to achieve this state. This is a state which is free from all obstructions and is liberated from everything. In Tibetan Buddhism one needs to free oneself from all worldly practices and attian a situation where one enjoys bliss and a feeling of emptiness inside. The Tibetan Buddhists perform actions to benefit all the human beings. There are many people who have attained Buddhahood. They perform activities from which sentient beings get advantage. However the karma of sentient beings obstructs Buddhists from helping them. They have no limitaions from their side to help others. However sentinenst suffer due to their previous negative actions.
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