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Difference Between M.Sc and MEng

M.Sc vs. MEng

If you have finished a bachelor’s degree in science, you may be wondering which post-graduate courses you can take. There are many post-graduate courses you can choose from depending on which science course you have finished. You may get the Master of Science (M.Sc) or the Master of Engineering (M.Eng). Both these courses are post-graduate courses that you can only take if you have finished a bachelor’s degree in science. The duration of these courses does not differ too much, but their prerequisite, requirements and subjects differ a lot. There will be a difference in the job offers after these courses, too.

When it comes to prerequisites, the disciplines are the same but an M.Eng has stricter requirements. You must be able to finish classes in Chemistry, Biology, Physics or Geology for both the M.Eng and M.Sc. In M.Sc, you can take the courses as part of your major or you can have them as ancillary or allied subjects to your course. However, for a M.Eng, you must have these subjects as your major in your tertiary education. As long as your classes qualify, you will be selected based on academic merit. You may also need to take an entrance examination depending on which college you are going to enroll at.

The duration of both courses takes only two years. Those who enroll in either of these courses can choose between research based and coursework based programs. If the candidate chooses a research based course, then he must make a research proposal based on the course.

Another visible difference between a M.Sc and a M.Eng is their outcomes. If you have finished the M.Sc, then you will be well-equipped for any branch of science. No matter what profession they take after finishing their degree, they will become a specialist in its theories. On the other hand, those who have taken a M.Eng will focus more on applications of the fields of science of their choice. This is one of the major differences between the two: M.Sc focuses more on the studies and theories, while M.Eng is more about the application.

The jobs that await each post-grad will also differ. The job opportunities that await those who completed a M.Sc will be scientists, researchers, consultants, teachers, and assistants. On the other hand, those who took up M.Eng will probably become engineers, builders, consultants, and scientists. There are also other colleges and universities that will hire them as educators.



Both are science courses that have duration of two years.

The prerequisites for a M.Sc is the same as for a M.Eng, except that the requirements for a M.Eng are stricter. That means that you will have to take science courses as your major in your tertiary education. Plus, you must pass an exam in order to take this course.

The outcome and the job opportunities also differ, with a M.Eng post-grad focusing more on the application aspect of science.

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  1. thanks for stating the differences , may I ask why some M.Sc.’ study duration is just 1 year not 2 years as mentioned ?

  2. Thank you so much for the clarification

  3. Thanks for spending time explaint the contrast between the two.

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