Difference Between Islam and Atheism
Islam vs Atheism
Islam and atheism stands wide apart. While Islam is a religion that believes in God, Atheism is a term used to denote a disbelief in god.
Islam is a religion whereas atheism is not a religion.
Prophet Muhammad founded Islam in the 6th century. On the other hand, Atheism Is believed to be a very ancient concept and there are no godfathers.
Islam follows Quran, which is their holy book. The Qur’an compiled by followers of Muhammad Nabi is considered very sacred. But for atheism, there are no specific books. However, many atheists have written elaborately about atheism and about religion.
While atheism questions the presence of god and his creation, Islam believes in the opposite. Atheism always tries to disapprove the presence of God scientifically. For an atheist, universal is eternal but for an Islam it is not so. Islam is a concept based on faith whereas Atheism is one that relies on science and truth.
In Islam, God had created the universe and everything in it. On the other hand, an atheist thinks that the universe was the creation of some evolution.
Islam believes in Allah and five pillars of faith govern it. It includes faith and submission to Allah, daily prayers, almsgiving and caring the needy, fasting and pilgrimage to Mecca.
‘Islam’ originated from Arabic word ‘salaam,’ which means peace or submission. Atheism has its origins in Greek word ‘atheo’, which means “without gods”.
Like all religions, Islam also believes in supernatural powers. On the other hand, Atheism disregards all superstitions and only looks at it in sceptical manner.
When everything in Islam is related to Quran and certain beliefs, Atheism relies everything on facts.
1. Islam is a religion whereas atheism is not a religion.
2. Islam is a religion that believes in God. Atheism is a concept used to denote a disbelief in god.
3. While atheism questions the presence of god and his creation, Islam believes in the opposite.
4. Universal is eternal for an atheist but it is not so an Islam.
5. Islam is a concept based on faith whereas Atheism is one that relies on science and truth.
6. Islam believes in supernatural powers. Atheism disregards all superstitions and only looks at it in sceptical manner.
7.’Islam’ originated from Arabic word ‘salaam,’ which means peace or submission. Atheism has its origins in Greek word ‘atheo’, which means “without gods”.
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Muslim does not believe Islam was founded by the Prophet Muhammad.Muslims also do not believe that The Qur’an was compiled by Prophet Muhammad or by followers Muhammad .
Muslim do not believe Islam was founded by the Prophet Muhammad.Muslims also do not believe that The Qur’an was compiled by Prophet Muhammad or by followers Muhammad .
Atheists do not try “to disapprove the presence of God scientifically”. God is considered supernatural, science deals with the natural world. We simply don’t believe in god(s). Not all atheists believe that the universe is eternal, and it wasn’t the “creation of some evolution”, it was all of the energy in the universe condensed to a singularity that expanded.
How about you enjoy your article with your own ego? and not shove it down our throats, like you’ve simply kept all the ideology behind islam in the palms of your hands?
DO you think Islam is meant for supernatural powers and mambo jumbo? or is it those who cannot comprehend its essence from whats revealed as a scientific knowledge mentioned metaphorically in the book?
The 12 shia imamiya, i.e the household of the prophet, Imam Ali, Imam Hassan, Hussain, Ali,Mohammed, Jaffar, Musa, Ali, Mohammed, Ali, Hassan, Mohammed. All played a significant role in elaborating the literal meaning of the verses in the quran. As the shia imamiya path, does say that the verses have also a deeper meaning behind its words. Yet, on the contrary, many traditional scholars in our century are preaching supernatural stuff and majority just follow and conform. where as there are just a few, who have focused on the knowledge and sciences of islam. and are still sharing, but ppl like fables to feed their egoic selves. let alone, they inherit religion not learn it.
Islam’s scientific approach in its verses, backed up with shia imamiya system : 1- black holes. 2- teleportation. 3-telepathy.4- Warp. 5- Relativity theory. 6- Energy. 7- Universal law. 8- the big bang theory ( undescribed the way atheists propose). 9- Evolution. 10- Natural selection.
Another evidence: the golden age of islam, the golden age of islamic medicine which was then studied by the west.
Algebra (Jaber ibn hayan a student of Imam Al-sadiq the grandson of the prophet), Nasir Al deen al tusi ( founder of evolution and natural selection (the muhamadan way) who wrote a book 600 years before Darwin’s book of evolution, Ibn Seena ( practiced medicine who also was a student of imam Al-sadiq). Imam Al sadiq’s book in medicine and sciences, Imam al sadiq books on god and debates with atheists. The golden book of Imam Ali al ridha in medicine.
Imam Ali in philosophy, science, Enlightenment, mathematical brilliance, intellectual genius.
We follow rationality before conformance. an evidence in that as follows:
The best of worshippers, are those who disbelief then believe. Imam al sadiq
Do not inherit your religion, learn it- Imam Ali.
The blind is not the one that can’t see, but the one without insight- Prophet mohammed
Whoever fought against truth, will deteriorate- Imam Ali
google Imam ali and heart science
google islam sacred geometry
Have you ever knew that the letters in the quran are from sacred geometry ? the kaaba is located in specific constellations, the shape of the kaaba is originaly circular, read about the golden ratio, the Pi and sacred geometry of shia islam, imam Ali is the door to the city of knowledge.
You wont find this from simple or basic minded theologeans, be your own guru and do your own research and god inshalla will guide you.
this did not help me at all
Islam was not founded by Muhammed-Peace be upon him- prophet & messenger of Allah. Islam is the religion that all prophets & messengers, From Adam to Muhammed – Peace be upon all of them- came with. All believe in:1) The Oneness of God. No associates. 2) The Angels 3) The books with Allah’s Revelations 4) All the prophets 5) The hereafter & the Day of the Judgment 6) Al-Qadhaa & Al-Qadar (God’s Decree & Predestination ). Muslims believe in these six beliefs.