Difference Between Epiphone Dot and Sheraton
Epiphone Dot vs Sheraton
Epiphone is a company that has been in the field of manufacturing musical instruments, especially guitars. Epiphone guitars have a name for themselves among music lovers. Within the wide variety of guitars, the Epiphone Dot and Epiphone Sheraton are the famous ones, and which are different in many ways.
Though both the Epiphone Dot and Epiphone Sheraton come with semi hollow bodies, they differ in their tone, colors and other features.
The Epiphone Sheraton was the first guitar manufactured. The company brought out Sheratons in 1959. It was many years after this that the company came up with the Epiphone Dot, which was manufactured since the 1990’s.
The Epiphone Sheraton comes with a laminated maple body, mahogany neck and rosewood fret board. The Epiphone Dot also comes with the same neck and body, but with a maple neck. When comparing the fret boards, the Epiphone Sheraton has a wider one compared to Epiphone Dot. The neck is also bigger in an Epiphone Sheraton. Another difference that can be seen is that the Epiphone Dot has full-sized humbuckers, whereas the Epiphone Sheraton has mini humbuckers.
It can also be seen that the Sheraton is heavier than the Dot.
When talking about fret board inlays, the Epiphone Dot comes with dot inlays, and the Epiphone Sheraton comes with block inlays. The Epiphone Sheraton also comes with a floray inlay on the headstock.
Talking about the tone, the Epiphone Dot comes with a clearer tone than that of the Epiphone Sheraton. Unlike the Epiphone Sheraton, one can have a more sustained tone with a Epiphone Dot. The Epiphone Dot is known to generate feedback much more easily than the Epiphone Sheraton.
1. The Epiphone Sheraton was the first guitar manufactured by the company, in 1959. On the other hand, the Epiphone Dot was manufactured since the 1990’s.
2. The Sheraton is heavier than the Dot.
3. When comparing the fret boards, the Epiphone Sheraton has a wider one compared to the Epiphone Dot.
4. Unlike the Epiphone Dot, the neck is bigger in an Epiphone Sheraton.
5. The Epiphone Dot has full-sized humbuckers, whereas the Epiphone Sheraton has mini humbuckers.
6. The Epiphone Dot comes with a clearer tone than that of the Epiphone Sheraton.
7. The Epiphone Dot comes with dot inlays, and the Epiphone Sheraton comes with block inlays.
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This rating is so imprecise as to be useless. IF he’s only referring to the lower line Dot and Sheraton, he may be right.
But the Elite (and Elitist) series Sheratons are hands-down far superior to the Dot. And the Sheraton 11 Reissue (made for only a few years in the mid-2000s) is arguably one of the very best thin hollow body guitars ever made by anyone. Both series had USA Gibson pick-ups and hardware on a body made at the extremely capable Japanese factory and were assembled in the US.
In fact, most pros I know consider the latter (USA reissue) to be better than the Gibbe 335, and I agree with that. The reason Gibson stopped making them (after only 50 were put out) is that all of the professional reviews said, “Don’t spend $3500 on a Gibbe, spend $1300 and you’ll actually have a better guitar.” The reviews were all 10+ on a scale of 10. I’ve never seen any guitar that was so widely praised by the guitar press in my 40+ years of playing.
My main guitar is a true 1968 LP Custom Black Beauty and my favorite acoustics are my Gibbe acoustics from the first half of the 20th century, so I’m not putting down Gibson– I love them. It’s just that when you say “Sheraton” without qualifying which model, you’re talking about a range of guitars that goes from the very mediocre to one of the finest hollow-body electrics ever made.
You goofed the dot has a set in mahogany neck