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Difference Between Certificate and Associate Degree

graduate-hatCertificate vs Associate Degree

Certificate and Associate degree are quite different, as they serve different needs. The Certificate course is mainly job specific, whereas the Associate degree has a much broader platform.

An Associate degree does not need any requirements, but on the other hand, Certificates are usually given to persons who have prior knowledge of the course, and who have some specific skills. A person earns a Certificate after he has completed a certain kind of training. Moreover, a person doing a Certificate course does not need to learn other things besides the topic of his specialization.

People who study for an Associate degree have to study many things outside his major. These candidates must study basic English, mathematics, science, history and humanities. The difference between Certificate and Associate degrees is that the former one does not need a broader knowledge, whereas the latter one needs a broader knowledge. Unlike the Associate degree, the Certificate course mainly deals with technical studies.

When talking about the period of completion of the course, the Associate degree takes longer than the Certificate course. Normally, the Certificate course is completed within one or two semesters. On the contrary, a person only gets an Associate degree after two years.

Some of the centers that offer Certificates include vocational schools, trade schools and junior colleges. Institutes like universities, career schools and community colleges award the Associate degree.

After getting an Associate degree, one can transfer the credits to a Bachelor’s degree. On the contrary, a person with a Certificate cannot earn a Master’s or a Bachelor’s degree.

If one looks at the importance of Certificate and Associate degrees, one cannot say which one is better. The Certificate may be required for certain specific jobs, whereas an Associate degree will be needed for some others.


1. Certificate course is mainly job specific, whereas the Associate degree has a much broader platform.
2. A person going for a Certificate course does not need to learn other things besides the topic of his specialization. People who go for an Associate degree have to study many things outside his major.
3. The Certificate course is completed within one or two semesters. On the contrary, a person only gets an Associate degree after two years.
4. Unlike the Associate degree, the Certificate course mainly deals with technical studies.
5. After getting an Associates degree, one can transfer the credits to a Bachelor’s degree. On the contrary, a person with a Certificate cannot earn a Master’s or a Bachelor’s degree.

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  1. I am impressed with what I have learnt on this site. I will like to know about the diference between Britain’s Higher National Diploma(HND)/National Diploma (ND) and US Associate Degree

  2. don’t use the male pronoun exclusively. mix it up please or use non-gender specific words.


  3. I have already earned a bachelors degree. I am currently studying to get an associate degree, but I might want to shift from getting an associate degree to a certificate of achievement. What should I do, and is it possible to shift from an associate degree to a certificate of achievement. I am an international student and when I was applying to the community college, I wrote that I want an associate degree. Also please tell me which one is better between the two.

  4. Hi,

    I have already done my masters in Journalism and Mass-Communication now i’m confused what to pursue further please suggest but want to go for certificate course please do suggest me as love planning and executing the things also have a three to four year of experience in PR….

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