Difference Between Authoritarian and Authoritative
The parent-child relationship has been backed by numerous studies and researches over a long period of time. These researches were intended to explore a perspective of the parent and how this impacts the child growing up. Of course, it was never quite simple. Since the beginning, we tend to classify parenting as authoritative and authoritarian parenting. These are the two most common parenting styles that involve different approaches to parenting. Read on to find out everything you need to know about these two parenting styles.

What is Authoritative Parenting?
Authoritative means having authority, power, influence, or the right to make decisions. When we say someone is authoritative, this means the person demonstrates the characteristics of being in control or someone who is recognized or well respected. In regards to parenting, being authoritative means to exert firm control over the child, expect maturity, and set reasonable guidelines for the child to abide. Authoritative parents do not shy away from having high expectations and they simultaneously tend to make disciplinary decisions by integrating the point of view of the child as the parents see reasonable. This is considered as one of the most effective styles of parenting that leads to children that have greater academic achievements.

What is Authoritarian Parenting?
This is a very strict parenting style where the parents tend to follow the old school order. This is a very restrictive style of parenting where the children do not have any sort of choices and do not have any say in anything. Authoritarian parents stress the importance of compliance, conformity, parental control, and maintaining order. This style stresses more on phases like, “because I said so,” without any signs of positive reinforcement or encouragement. Children do as their parents say and there’s not much for them in terms of having their own sense of independence. Parents expect complete obedience from their children or they will punish them for doing so or put a stop on any action the children take to defy them.
Difference between Authoritative and Authoritarian
– Each parenting style has its own set of unique characteristics and behaviors associated with it. Authoritative parents do not shy away from having high expectations, but they are equally warm and responsive. The parents can be both warm and provide a lot of structure. Authoritarian parents are cold and unresponsive, and they address emotion as a weakness and they often resort to harsher forms of punishment.
– Authoritative parents exert firm control over the child, expect maturity, and set reasonable guidelines for the child to abide. They use reason and control when teaching discipline to their children, and they are very careful not to use any harsh forms of punishment. Authoritarian parents, on the contrary, exercise high degrees of control on and demands maturity from their children. This is an extremely strict parenting style that focuses on discipline and control rather than nurturing and caring.
– Although strict and disciplined, authoritative parents also show warmth, love, and acceptance for their children. They encourage their children to be independent, autonomous, and assert individuality. Authoritarian parents are like dictators who often discourage their children’s autonomy, independence, and instead, attempt to shape the child they deem fit and desirable. Both the styles are somewhat similar, but the difference lies in rule enforcement.
Authoritarian vs. Authoritative: Comparison Chart

In a nutshell, authoritative is one of the most effective parenting styles and numerous researches show authoritative parenting leads to children that have greater academic achievements, less issues with disobedience, and less signs of depression. Children with authoritarian parents are bound to follow rules and maintain strict discipline in compliant silence. Children do as their parents say and there’s not much for them in terms of having their own sense of independence. If authoritative parenting style is a democracy, then authoritarian parenting is like dictatorship.
What is the difference between authoritative and authoritarian?
Authoritative parenting is like democracy where the feelings of both parents and children are supported, whereas authoritarian parenting is like dictatorship where the parents believe that their word is final.
What are the 4 types of parenting styles?
The four common parenting styles include authoritative parenting, authoritarian parenting, permissive parenting, and the indifferent or uninvolved parenting.
What is an example of authoritative?
Administering fair and consistent discipline without resorting to any harsh forms of punishment when the rules are broken is an example of authoritative parenting.
How can I be authoritative without being authoritarian?
For example, let’s say your child stole something from the store and you punish him/her saying “you’re grounder for one week.” Then, you go and talk to him/her about why stealing is wrong. You punish them but support them at the same time and encourage them not to do such thing again. This is you being authoritative without being authoritarian.
What is an authoritative person?
An authoritative person is someone with authority, power, influence, or the right to make decisions, someone who demonstrates the characteristics of being in control.
What is authoritarian behavior?
Authoritarian parents are cold and unresponsive, and they address emotion as a weakness and they often resort to harsher forms of punishment
What is Tiger style parenting?
This is a strict parenting style wherein parents are highly invested in raising high-achieving children. This style is based in Asian values of independence.
Why authoritative parenting is best?
Although strict and disciplined, authoritative parents also show warmth, love, and acceptance for their children, while encouraging their children to be independent and autonomous.
Which parenting style is most effective?
Authoritative parenting is considered the most effective parenting style because studies suggest children raised under authoritative parents tend to be more successful in both academics and life.
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References :
[0]Koganzon, Rita. Liberal States, Authoritarian Families: Childhood and Education in Early Modern Thought. Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press, 2021. Print
[1]Fine, Mark A. and Frank D. Fincham. Handbook of Family Theories: A Content-Based Approach. New York, United States: Routledge, 2013. Print
[2]Benson, Janette B. and Marshall M. Haith. Social and Emotional Development in Infancy and Early Childhood. Massachusetts, United States: Academic Press, 2010. Print
[3]Tsabary, Shefali. The Conscious Parent: Transforming Ourselves, Empowering Our Children. London, United Kingdom: Hachette UK, 2014. Print